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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Psychology by Yale University

28,568 ratings

About the Course

What are people most afraid of? What do our dreams mean? Are we natural-born racists? What makes us happy? What are the causes and cures of mental illness? This course tries to answer these questions and many others, providing a comprehensive overview of the scientific study of thought and behavior. It explores topics such as perception, communication, learning, memory, decision-making, persuasion, emotions, and social behavior. We will look at how these aspects of the mind develop in children, how they differ across people, how they are wired-up in the brain, and how they break down due to illness and injury....

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A very comprehensive course, giving you the insights into the field of psychology, even with no prior background of psychology, and containing interesting references and examples throughout the course


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This was my second course using this site, and with Professor Bloom, and once again it was great. I've genuinely learnt a lot, and I've found a new love for psychology I never would have found before.

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251 - 275 of 6,258 Reviews for Introduction to Psychology

By Firdevs M

May 6, 2020

It is one of the best online course I've completed so far! I really liked the way how Prof. Bloom introduced the complex topics in a way that made them look very easy. This also allowed me to comprehend the topics more easily and encouraged me to pursue more readings in the topics.

Throughout the course, I kept sharing with my friends the interesting and somehow surprising findings I learnt in this course. I really enjoyed my time and can definitely recommend this course for those who are new to Psychology and want to take their first steps into this field of science.

By Thelma E

Jul 20, 2020

I am 57 y/o. Single/divorced mom of three professionals, whom graduated with no student loans. After graduating from HS I took an executive secretarial course (1982) and a cosmetology school 1999. Never took a college class. Always thought I didn’t have the time or was not smart enough. I developed an interest in psychology and human behavior from my own desires to prosper, suppressed cultural and/or family beliefs and feelings , fears and relationships. I am very grateful to Yale University and of course Professor Bloom! I am super happy I completed this course!!

By Alicia S G

Apr 25, 2020

I enrolled in this course after watching Prof. Bloom's class videos on youtube, and I must say I am not disappointed. This course provides a solid introduction on Psychology, for those who are simply interested in the topic and also for those considering to pursue further studies on the field. Video lectures are fresh and engaging, and Prof. Bloom's enthusiasm is contagious. Further readings are provided in case you'd like to go deeper into the topics (like me!). Thank you very much for offering this course, I hope someday we can have part 2 for advanced learners!


Jun 30, 2024

I found the course Introduction to Psychology to be extremely insightful and engaging. The professor's lectures were thought-provoking, and the material was presented clearly and coherently. The course covered a wide range of topics, from the history of psychology to modern research methods, providing a comprehensive overview of the field. The assignments and readings were challenging, but they helped deepen my understanding of the subject. Overall, I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in gaining a foundational understanding of psychology.

By Wim d R

May 14, 2020

Great course for getting a clear, broad understanding of various topics of psychology. Helped me to better understand the various areas of psychology, history and development of psychology, and theories and practices of treatment in the field, as well as areas that are still being studied and not fully understood. The lectures were interesting, and the videos broken into several shorter segments, making it easier to get through them. The readings were simple and easy to read, yet very informative, much easier to get through than a typical school textbook.

By Michelle d P

Apr 29, 2020

Professor Bloom continually provides you with pertinent questions to keep in mind as you work through this course. I found the lectures extremely interesting although being an introductory course I craved a little more depth in some topics which were merely touched on. Some of the readings were rather repetitive and could be tedious to get through, but the use of ted talks and other materials were outstanding. Would definitely recommend to someone look for some broad strokes and to figure out what specific parts of psychology real appeal to you personally.

By Sanik S

Nov 23, 2022

It was a great and exciting training. Despite the fact that I am constantly interested in news in the field of psychology, here I learned a lot of new things for myself. Some things so stunned and shocked me that I still try to understand and accept these discoveries. The professor is a very enthusiastic person and loves what he teaches. Because everything is so easy to perceive, interesting and fun. He infects with this love and reverent attitude to our brain. If I could go through this training again, I would not hesitate to go through this path again.

By Maeve M

Dec 8, 2020

This course was six sections long - divided into "weeks" and two sections for each week. I found the course to be an in depth dive into psychology and it was easy to engage with the material provided. The videos are short, and the readings are long. The only difficult tasks in this course were the assessments, however you are able to retake each assessment until you get a passing grade. That in itself made the course stress free and provided me with a sense of personal accomplishment. Thank you Professor Bloom and the team at Yale behind this course.

By Doris A

Jun 7, 2024

I was not selected for admission to pursue a Graduate degree in ABA, siting the I need a background in Psychology, in search of online course that will not interrupt with my job, I stumble on this course and Paul Bloom made the lecture on Intro to Psychology so interesting and now I have a stronger desire to study Psychology further; I guess some disappointments are actually blessings in disguise after all. With that said, Thank you Mr. Bloom for the wonderful introduction to the course and my gratitude also to Coursera for this rear opportunity.

By Misbah N

Nov 29, 2020

This course was helpful in gaining insights related to psychological aspects. This was a well structured, well presented, and effective course. Professor Paul is a fantastic person and how he clarifies the concepts was amazing. I didn't expect that an online course could be worth learning, but this course changed my mind, as I have gained valuable knowledge and insights relevant to the course. Thanks to the University of Yale for offering this course and thanks to Sir Paul for helping us in gaining knowledge of psychology in such a wonderful way.

By Samantha M

May 11, 2020

This course was very easy to follow along with. I treated it like my previous on campus courses and took many notes and was able to do well. I recommend this course and will say I would definitely take notes just to have to reflect on later on. I learned some new things and refreshed others from previous courses I have taken prior.

The visuals and captions are helpful in most cases.

All around just a great course if you want to start in psychology, refresh some previous knowledge, or just need a psychology course for what you are studying.

By Meeta A

Apr 22, 2019

Professor Bloom is just great! It has been a sheer delight and honor taking this course. Increased my interest in Psychology by leaps and bounds.

Thank you very much Professor Bloom for your precious time and insights.

It has been a thorough delight and enlightening coursework. I enjoyed the course so much that I wish and hope that I could work with Professor Bloom on some project, some day, hopefully.

Thanks & Regards,

Meeta Arora



Thank you Course Era for this wonderful opportunity. I am sincerely grateful.

By Kylie T W Y

Jul 30, 2020

I love it! Get to know more about Psychology, interesting and mystery. Nowadays, so many peoples who has mental illness but they do not even aware or help themselves, therefore, even though there has so many difficult and professional wording in this lecture of Psychology, I still want to know more, hopefully I can help others one day. The lecture is good and knowledgeable, however it will be more easy to understand if it can have some supporting example on how to apply to our daily life and experiment shown. Thank you Professor Bloom!

By Ksenia

Apr 6, 2021

An extremely neat and interesting course which is truly useful for anyone, not only for those pursuing Psychology. It helps to gently yet profoundly learn about how out brain works, personality, how our identity is built and how processes of its formation happen, also of course a peek at psychotherapy and disorders. Separately I wanted to praise the positive ending which (according to one of the lector's points) was really best for finishing the course since now i'll always remember it as something positive and bringing hope. Thanks!

By Panagiotis M

Jan 30, 2021

Exceptional teaching with an unusual method because of the animations, which definitely made it more fun and at some times even easier to understand. The reading material was very helpful and very interesting. Professor Bloom was very good at explaining each topic and you can clearly see a passionate person in the field of which he teaches. I completed this course and now I have a more clear understanding of Psychology and what it is about. I'm going to proceed to the second course of professor Bloom because I enjoyed this one a lot.

By Kevin M

Sep 29, 2020

I have to give the highest rating to this course, because not only did it give me a great introduction to psychology, it has provided a springboard for further study and investigation. On a personal level, I was able to come to understand some thing about me too, which I found surprising and somewhat rewarding.

Initially I found the "animation" style of lecture delivery strange, but as I stuck to it, I began to enjoy it and found that it really helped with the process of embedding new ideas and concepts. All in all a great experience.

By Adrian L

Apr 7, 2020

I am a choreographer specialising in the art form of Tanztheater, which is a German art form of merging Dance and Theatre. I consider the approach to my work quite psychological therefore I was interested to get a scientific context to my otherwise just self-controlled general thinking I do during rehearsals or in preparations.

And I can honestly say that this course has provided this context wonderfully. Professor Bloom did a wonderful job in delivering a meaningful and non pretentious course. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot!

By Kavya V (

Jul 12, 2021

A really great course - my first one taken on Coursera, and it has just encouraged me to take more. Professor Bloom's way of explaining all the topics in this course feels as if he is standing right in front of me teaching it to me in person. They are full of comprehensible examples and analogies, great references (videos, books, movies, studies) where findings from the study of Psych can be seen in real life. Of course, the animation in the videos helped to continuously engage, and was another reason why I really liked the course.

By Muhammad F B M S

Oct 10, 2023

I recently completed the "Introduction to Psychology" online course, and I'm thrilled with the experience. The content is thorough, presented in a clear and engaging manner. The instructors are knowledgeable and passionate, making complex topics easy to understand. The interactive approach, including quizzes and discussions, kept me engaged and motivated. The supportive community fostered a great learning atmosphere. Whether you're new to psychology or want to deepen your knowledge, this course is a must-try. Highly recommended!


Nov 26, 2021

Thanks to this course, I became aware of the existence of Doctor Paul Bloom. He conveyed the experience he had gained in his field for many years to us as a 6-week course in a very original way, with his super sound and wonderful drawings and effects. I would like to thank Dr Paul for organizing the course and his team who helped him in every way. As a living being, I will always proceed in this life without forgetting that we always have a soul and that we should look at our lives psychologically. Murat YAĞMURCA, Bursa, Turkey.

By María d M V L

Jul 21, 2021

I enjoyed so much this course, and I don´t get why some students doesn´t like the animations, the kind of visual is a "wink" to the movie "Waking Life" (2001) and its make easier studiying. The content of the whole program its very interisting and the professor teachs pretty well and easy. In a lot of other courses teachers try to extend it in a way making content complicated just to get you to enroll and pay for longer, but here its easy and in stead of complicated you get a lot of quality information. Thanks for this course!

By Jane M

Apr 21, 2022

If you always wanted to learn more about psychology, but did not know where to start, I strongly recommend taking this course! It works great as an introduction to the subject, and it is very well structured. Professor Bloom does excellent job explaining complex matters in very simple terms. Among other things, you will learn about brain composition, the history of psychology as a study, the ways brain works, including how emotions and memories are formed. Each lecture ends with a short assessment to help track your progress.

By Дана К

Jun 29, 2020

Хороший курс, помог мне разобраться с моими личными проблемами. Я ранее не задумывалась о многих процессах в нашем мозге, также не думала о роли детских травм в дальнейшей жизни. И мне кажется, что некоторые теории Фрейда имеют место быть например: стадии развития по фрейду: возможно это объясняет многое. Перенесенные психологические травмы в детстве, нарушение одной из стадий в развитии ребенка, может объяснить наличия отклонений у педофилов, насильников и убийц и их поступки. Сугубо лично мое мнение. Спасибо большое за курс!

By Stella F

Aug 24, 2021

I really enjoyed taking this course. It was well structured and I have gained good foundation on psychology - the study of the mind and the behavior. I spent quite a bit of time going through the reference material to gain better insights. Psychology is a very interesting and challenging topic, and I wish to pursue further after completing the course. Professor Paul Bloom is great, though I would enjoy more if I could see his face during the lecture. My sincere thanks to him and Yale for offering such a wonderful course.

By Christos H

Sep 13, 2020

I came to learn the basics of psychology and to be honest I think this course way over-provides - that is a positive aspect.

The videos are not dull and drone but engaging and valid to the subject.

The additional reading material that is provided gives a greater insight into the subject taught and is beneficial to gain a better, and a more wholesome, understanding.

I enjoyed this course, took plenty of notes and will be a point of reference for the future.

Thank you Professor Bloom for taking the time and making the effort!