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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Personal Branding by University of Virginia

8,787 ratings

About the Course

Though the concept of personal branding isn't new, questions remain about how to create one and, more importantly, what it means to maintain and inhabit that brand. Learners will: o Understand both what personal branding means and what it means to inhabit their brand o Establish themselves on at least three social media platforms o Create a mission statement for their personal brand o Build a board of directors for their brand o Become familiar with the basics of digital security and reputation management o Create a system for on-going brand maintenance Join instructor Kimberley R. Barker as she provides a warm, supportive atmosphere in which learners are encouraged to intensively explore themselves in order to create a personal brand that authentically and effectively communicates their values and professional gifts. Together we will build a strong community in which to provide encouragement and feedback, and support each other as learners pursue their goal of successful brand creation....

Top reviews


Apr 12, 2020

Course material was very helpful and beneficial. The instructor brings enthusiasm to the course and transmits the message very smoothly. I learnt a lot from this course! Thank you for everything.


Aug 29, 2020

Understanding and application of Personal Branding with the fundamental skills to build leadership skills in the personal branding success in business is very important in today's E-network business.

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26 - 50 of 2,651 Reviews for Introduction to Personal Branding

By Aurora V

Aug 26, 2019

Thank you for sharing with us all this information,

I love it!

By Amanda N

Apr 30, 2019

Very helpful! The exercises and the links add a lot!

By Robert G S P

Jan 5, 2019

It was an introduction. But I expected a bit more: For example using brand management from the corporate side and applying it to personal branding. I would have liked to see more examples of best practices. The privacy part was nice and alert settings on social media. This was practical. The content seemed a bit dated based on the articles presented during the lecture. I rated it low because compared to other MOOCs I have taken it just is of lower quality based on 1) substance 2) presentation and 3) fun of learning

By Cristina B

Aug 27, 2018

Lo encontre muy básico, poca utilidad practica, es más bien una clase de carácter de auto conocimiento sencillo. Esperaba mas. Me parece que con el prestigio que tiene coursera, los videos del curso, donde el público son adultos con educación, son mediocres, de vocabulario simple y reiterativos.

By C. C

Apr 15, 2016

Poor quality videos make the course less appealing and make it seems to be unprofessional

By Jacquet C

May 2, 2020

Excellent course that covers the subject in depth. Would benefit from updated examples and readings. Because they are already dated mid 2010's years. Otherwise very good job Mrs Barker ! Continue !

By Vipin K

Apr 17, 2022

This course was very useful to promote me as a brand , with an emphisis to utilize the social media for it. I like this imaginative course as a timely innovative one , and will recommend to friends .

By Olivia S

Jun 23, 2021

This course helps to identify the best way for you to create your own branding, from understand your personality to creating your own mission statement and how to engage your audience on social media.

By Laima R

May 2, 2019

I loved the class although as I am working with Social Media myself for businesses it is a bit similar as brand management. You have to keep in mind that it is an introduction and it is a GREAT intro.

By Maximilian P

Jun 1, 2020

Terrible! It's basically a self promotion and verbal masturbation by the professor with no content.. Quiz questions are ridiculous and absolute no brainers. They basically say: "Should you go to school or should you smoke weed with the cool kids? Whats your answer?" Additionally, professor has a nervous tick fixing her hair every minute and the material are selfie videos filmed with her iPhone..

I hope Coursera will act and take this course offline since it provides NO academic value whatsoever!

By Samke K

Apr 3, 2020

Perhaps this course who have been more relevant several years ago. Most of what is teaches is practically common sense to people 30 and under. Otherwise, I'd recommend it for the older generation who have no experience with having a digital presence

By Anke K

May 2, 2020

I thought it was very, very, very basic. From former courses I was used to more deep information for optional reading. An update for this course would be appropriate. Especially as so much has happened according to personal branding

By Divya V

Mar 27, 2020

This is more like watching someones vlog & not a Course of any professional capacity.

By Julia I R B

Aug 31, 2016

Poco profesional (las grabaciones, los artículos), el contenido no es bueno

By Victoria S

Mar 6, 2017

Not even sure it worth one star, all due respect.

By Hamza F

May 15, 2020

too old and needs a lot of updates!!

By Романычева С А

Apr 30, 2019

Хороший курс

By Jenish

Jun 15, 2020

As a free course it was okay(IF YOU JUST WANT CERTIFICATE), but if it was paid i would have asked for refund. Lecturer speaks about tree that is behind her for 30 second in 5 minute video. I think she just made this course to add a point in CV that she has made a MOOC. She has made Quiz as Joke, it has 3 to 6 questions and anybody can pass the quiz even without watching or reading any content of this course.

By Aamir M

Apr 7, 2020

The course is very basic and I think it is pretty unstructured compared to other courses offered on this platform. I was expecting more concrete knowledge or tools and techniques that would be shared. The quizzes are the least challenging part of the course.

By Chris L

Jun 9, 2017

Some good info but overall a very basic course on branding if you're come from marketing/communication background.

By Anudari Y

Nov 17, 2020

This would maybe be an ok introduction for someone is perhaps completely unfamiliar with the internet or social media and would prefer a casual discussion about it.

If you have any experience already, most of this is a very broad reminder of things you probably already know, and most of it is just the professor's personal stories/self promo and random Forbes article links you can find yourself. You can find free vlogs/other content online about this topic that would be way more useful, especially in 2020.

By nebula

Oct 6, 2023

as far i`m concerned i think there is no enough and adequate investment done in the course . articles are so old . maybe adding some more objectives that serve the purpose in a wider range so the course offers value to learners

By Sadam a

Jun 3, 2020

I think its too old .. it should be renew cuz lot of applications on soial media start after 2015

By Christy B

May 18, 2020

This course was extremely helpful. Kimberley R. Barker is knowledgeable and personable. It's very easy to pay attention to her lecture videos and the content was useful from the get-go. I loved being introduced to her favorite things on one of the oldest and most beautiful college campuses in the country. Thank you for that!

Every exercise for me came with at least an extra four days' of research. I feel like I've been introduced to some important connections, even though I will probably never meet any of these people in person. The most important connection I made was with myself. I now have words to connect me to my own heart. Words that connect me with every person I come into contact with. And Words to describe my life's work in a way that my grandmother would be proud of, since she's the one who apprenticed me in her industry when I was just a small child.

I would love to learn more from Ms. Barker about reputation management, as having someone say something negative about my work is the one fear that keeps me from following every dream I've ever had. It's not the need to be liked, personally...I don't know, maybe that is a part of it...but when I dedicate part of my life to making someone else's life better in some way, it is just too hard to find out that they didn't appreciate my efforts. Plus, I've had to deal with a jealous friend who viciously smeared me because her bestie invited me to lunch. That was a temporary nightmare but apparently scarred me for life. Taking this class has shown me some ways to deal with bad-mouthers, but also, especially because I live in Arizona, has scared me to death because that ripoff report guy lives here, too. I do wonderful work in three fields of study. I just don't ever want to be attacked because of it. I'd really like to learn more about this.

By Chelsea B

Jan 20, 2017

This was a very well thought out and well put together course. The instructor was excellent, and I learned new things. I recommend this course even if you have knowledge in the branding industry. You will learn something new or improve in some area. Thank you, instructor Kimberley!