Sep 9, 2019
Very learning experience, I am a beginner in DS, but the instructors in this course simplified the contents that made me I could easily understand, tools and materials were very helpful to start with.
Mar 6, 2024
I learned a lot but that might not be a good indicator as I didn't know much about Data Science in the first place. It just fueled my need to know more about the subject so on my side, it's a winner.
By Alejandro A
•May 25, 2020
ES: Un curso divertido y que te mantiene interesado en aprender lo básico y el aspecto general de Data Science y lo que implica el rol. Muestra varios roles de data scientist reales en sus industrias.
EN: Interesting course that teaches you the basics about data science, and also shows the kind of job that data scientists perform across diverse organizations and industry sectors.
By Murali B
•Dec 13, 2019
I found the intro by professors Murtaza Haider & Normal White immensely useful. The report structure by For my MBA thesis, I worked with Dr. Paul Thurston Jr. to investigate how collaboration & soft skills are related to profitability of organizations across sectors, and I did add a cover page. "The Report Structure" by Dr. Haider however is fantastic. Excited about the course.
By 321910305002 g
•Aug 21, 2021
This course is insightful. When I took this course, I had a basic understanding of what data science is. But after finishing the course, things are more precise than ever. I love how readings from Prof. Haider's book and the views of professionals in data science were provided.
If you are someone who is just getting started with data science, this course is for you. Good luck!
By pratik p
•Jul 15, 2020
If you are looking for the basic understanding of what is actually called as data science and what actuall data scientist do then you are at the right place. This course will provide thorough knowledge of data science as well as you will get to watch videos of opinions about data science from different data scientist professional working at IBM
Don't Think twice just go for it
•Mar 13, 2024
Es un buen acercamiento a la ciencia de datos, ya que permite hacerse a una idea general de las ventajas que brinda a la vida profesional en cualquier área del conocimiento. También describe de manera adecuada algunas de las habilidades más importantes para incursionar en el mundo de la ciencia de datos desde diferentes perspectivas, motivando de esta manera el aprendizaje.
By Mehmet C D
•Feb 4, 2020
The course helped me understand what 'Data Science' is. Before taking this course, I thought data science was just analyzing data, but now I know its much more than that.
Videos are pretty clear and so simple, it makes everyone can understand the topics. Anyone who wants to learn data science, I recommend them to not skip this course and take some notes in the reading parts.
By cedric b
•Jul 22, 2022
this course is great, it taught me the basics of the data science profession. For example, it taught me that a good data scientist should know: collect data, ordinates when they are not structured, visualize them to have a first intuition, carry out the appropriate tests to answer his problem. He must also know how to tell a story through his results and propose solutions.
By Kushal V D
•Apr 16, 2020
Very basic course, to be honest. The grading seemed to be dependent on memorizing exact quotes from videos. Looking forward to some of the more advanced courses in this series
Excellent quality content! It's a great introductory course that really gets you interested in Data Science. I would highly recommend it to anyone curious in learning about what Data Science is about.
•May 10, 2019
To get started with Data Science, This Specialization seems to be better than other study materials available online in accordance to it's Content and Implementations as well as IBM Certification.
I would suggest this to all the beginners who are willing to have or are having their interest in 'Playing with Data' context to go through this course as well as Specialization.
By Bandhuchode B
•May 9, 2020
I have chosen a best course to achieve some knowledge.This course helps me a lot to know about what is data science and data scientist. I have gained some experience and applications of data science by watching videos.And now I have some idea what to choose in a industry and by choosing data science what we will gain.Thank you so much for coursera team for this knowledge.
By Krzysztof
•Apr 19, 2020
So far I consider it much more interesting than UC San Diego course on edX.
What was missing for me in the previous one is that lots of things been left
unexplained, even some very complex Python commands.
Secondy, price. In the previous course I've seen lots of Powerpoint presentations and
it made it ultra boring. I hope the other parts on this program are like the first.
By Naime A A
•Nov 16, 2023
I recently completed the "What is Data Science?" course on IBM via Coursera and am thrilled to give it a 5-star review. The course is brilliantly structured, making complex concepts clear and applicable. The hands-on exercises, especially in extracts of each lesson drilled into the head by MCQ were invaluable. Highly recommend for anyone eager to dive into data science!
By Guru S
•Oct 18, 2021
This was actually my first course on Coursera. When starting the course, I thought after some time, i would stop learning and forget about, but this course was made in an excellent way which kept me hooked till the end and also resulted in me finishing the course in just two weeks. Overall, I was able to learn a lot of new things and enjoyed it very much.
Thank you IBM
By Rowan M
•Mar 11, 2021
This course has a good overview of data science and it's related concepts. It also focuses on difference between related terminologies around data science. You will get to learn from Industry experts and author. I got a good understanding of data science and its application to relevant field. I am sure you too will have same feeling after completing the course. Cheers!
By Denisse A A H
•Feb 5, 2024
Es la Introducción perfecta para entrar en materia. Antes me consideraba en blanco sobre terminologÃa de la ciencia de datos, las herramientas que se usaban e incluso su finalidad. Hoy todo eso está bastante más claro, siento que ya puedo entrar en materia con un mapa mas claro y las herramientas y bases necesarias para absorber todo ese conocimiento. Excelente. 10/10
By Masoud R
•Oct 21, 2021
A deep introduction to Data Science. I've watched hundreds of Data Science Online before starting this course but there was always something missing in those videos, but in this course alongside the knowledge of the industry's leaders, there were some informative readings which helped me get on my feet as a Data Scientist. Thanks to all who contributed to this course.
By Muhammad D A F
•Sep 12, 2020
Before attending this course, I do not understand what Data Science is. Finished the data science course in 3 days now we can talk about this subject. This course will explain the hype term, such as data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and data mining. I recommended anyone who interests in Data Science to take this excellent course.
By Oludolapo O
•Feb 20, 2020
This introductory course to Data Science has been quite enlightening and has opened my mind to the use of data science in our everyday life. I now see data everywhere and realize that every decision we make comes from our brain processing and analyzing data on the subject. Applications of data science is boundless and I do agree that data science is a sexy occupation.
By Subhashree M
•Sep 5, 2019
The basic understanding of data science is stepping stone to becoming a data scientist. This course exactly guides you to become a good data scientist. It was good learning experience. Thank you so much professor and all the data scientists who took effort in creating this content and share their take on data science. Thanks to coursera team for putting this together.
By Thomas V C
•Aug 23, 2019
Hi. The course was very helpful, with the audio, video and text that allowed me to get a a hands looks inside data science. As the trend of data science gains more feet into AI with advance medical technologies will take a rise. Curious people are willing to see what data science is they can take this program, I feel the course will offer you great knowledge in-depth.
By Dilpreet S
•May 14, 2020
I joined this course with a very less knowledge about Data Science and how the work is done in this industry. Thanks to all the teachers and peers to help me in understanding this course. This course is really helpful for those who don't know what data science is and what data scientists do. For beginners who really love to play with data this course is must for you.
By Suvinava B
•Apr 9, 2019
The course is very well structured and sets the tone for rest of the course. It clearly explains the importance of data science, its various applications across industries and also how data scientists work and what personal traits would be required to be a great data scientist. I am looking forward to learn more from the rest of the courses under this specialization.
By Quazi R
•Jan 30, 2024
wonderful beginner course, directly not directly diving into deeper concepts, broken down every bit and shared what is actually data science and what are the fields in it and what are the sectors that needs exploring, gives an overall idea regarding data science. much needed course for all data science enthusiasts and beginners who are exploring data science domain.
•May 13, 2022
Data science is one of the hottest professions of the decade, and the demand for data scientists who can analyze data and communicate results to inform data driven decisions has never been greater. This Professional Certificate from IBM will help anyone interested in pursuing a career in data science or machine learning develop career-relevant skills and experience.
By Devin J
•Jul 24, 2020
It was a fantastic experience for me to join this course!
The course was so insightful. There are so many lessons that caught me out cold. It was delivered with a bit of humour and very interesting! I get a glimpse of what data science is, career path to becoming a data scientist, what important qualities of a data scientist would be, and data science report writing.