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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Cameras, Exposure, and Photography by Michigan State University

5,104 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Course One of Photography Basics and Beyond: From Smartphone to DSLR! In these first 4 Modules you will gain the knowledge and the confidence that will help you make good choices as you consider qualities of the camera you own, and the qualities of the other types of digital cameras you might be considering. You will learn about the basic functions that most digital cameras have in common. You will also go beyond the "technical" matters and learn about how you can make exciting pictures by emphasizing the aspects of Frame and Vantage Point to interpret old subjects in new ways. Discovering accessories that photographers find useful, and the types of camera bags from mini to carry-on sized, is also in store for you. You will also make your first photographs and, if you are a subscriber to the specialization, upload pictures to the web gallery and start interacting with your fellow learners in our "Gallery." Let's get started with Module One!...

Top reviews


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The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course!


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This is a great introduction to your camera and compsing photos. There are some aspects that are very basic, but that is needed so they can build on that knowledge. I am glad I took this course.

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101 - 125 of 1,566 Reviews for Cameras, Exposure, and Photography

By Bernard M


Oct 25, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the module. It covered the basics and dabbled in some intermediate topics.

I will definitely complete the other modules throughout the year.

It was a pleasure and an honor to learn from Professor Peter Glendinning and Associate Professor Mark Valentine. I recommend anyone interested in the digital arts to complete this course it's invaluable.


By Dmitrii S


Jun 18, 2018

Although I had some basic experience with photography as a hobby, this course provides a nice possibility to repeat and extend the knowledge which we all might lack in photo production, especially while not related to that field professionally. Friendly attitude of lections by both Peter and Mark also makes a lot of sense while learning is going on. Highly recommend.

By Augusto C H S


Sep 17, 2022

El curso es excelente! Las lecturas son bien detalladas, pero si no eres dedicado y paciente te va costar entender el aspecto técnico de la cámara y cómo funciona. Como estudiante de ESL sufrí para entender las lecciones porque el inglés utilizado es bastante técnico... pero vale la pena! Seguro tu fotografías mejorarán después de tomar este curso.

By Julie0674


Oct 10, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. It was exactly what I was looking for to get me better acquainted with my camera and to learn the basics of digital photography. I think the instructors are great at presenting the material in a way that is easy to understand and they create an open, relaxed community of learning. Can't wait to start the next course!

By Teresa G


Dec 26, 2020

The professors are very knowledgeable and make the information easy to understand, no matter the level of photography proficiency by each learner. I realize with the extremely large class size that peer review is the only viable option for student feedback, however, it fell short in helping me find specific ways to improve my photography skills.



Oct 14, 2018

This course achieves exactly what it set out to do, which is introduce students to the basics of photography. You will gain valuable knowledge on basic standards of photography, some of the science behind the art, plus nice little tricks the professors gave gained after years on the field. I personally will continue with the remainder courses.



Feb 24, 2022

As a photography enthusiast for many years, these course has been very fruitful in understanding the art of Photography. It als has helped me understand my DSLR better and set me on my way to become a better photographer. It also helped me realized how good the camara on my Samsung Galaxy was, had never taken full advantage of it.

By Haydi K


Aug 9, 2018

I highly recommend this course to everyone who enjoys photography even just from their phones. I enjoyed this class too much and I felt that a lot of photography mysteries were unlocked to me. I also liked the way Prof. Peter Glendinning and Prof. Mark sullivan explain things to us and we even got to visit Sparti in the campus :)

By Janine Y L


Oct 26, 2020

As someone who already has a little knowledge about the basics of photography, I love this course because it prompts me to put into practice the knowledge that I have about the aforementioned art through peer-reviewed assignments. The professors in this course were engaging as well, thus making my learning experience fun.

By Sally W


Jan 30, 2023

I enjoyed this course. The information was presented was interesting and the short videos allowed to work for short periods toward goal achievement. The shooting assignments were fun and helped me integrate what was presented in lecture. For anyone that enjoys taking pictures, this course is highly recommended.

By Vangelis D


Apr 11, 2018

I really enjoyed this course.

It helped me understand the basic rules of the camera. I can't wait to continue to the rest courses!

I want to thank you everyone in Coursera, and especially the two teachers, Mr. Glendinning and Mr.Sullivan who gave me the opportunity to start my journey to the world of photography!!!

By Christopher M


Mar 7, 2016

Really enjoying the pace of this course. The video sections are easily digestible! I like the assignments and my classmates and I are learning to critique. It would be nice if the instructors could do some critique for the students who are paying for the full program including the Capstone project at the end.

By Joe M


Feb 7, 2021

This is the best course I've ever taken on Coursera. It's the second one I've finished after trying to start many, but I became unmotivated very quickly with the others. The professors in this course explained things very clearly and made the material interesting. I'd highly recommend this course to others.

By Camilo H V G


Aug 31, 2020

It is a beautiful, multidimensional course, it makes you grow as a photographer and as a person.

The videos are clear and concise, Professor Peter explains in a fun and entertaining way.

I will continue with the second part of the specialization, very enthusiastic about the topics that I am going to learn

By Rebecca O


Mar 12, 2020

I learned so many useful things in this class and it was well worth taking! It got me thinking about my photographg and what I want to capture and how. It gave me the opportunity to learn a little more about setting up my camera as well as the differences between many types of popular cameras.

By Suparn C


May 21, 2021

The course had been very helpful in understanding the different concepts of photography, and helped a lot to increase my knowledge in photography and the peer review assignments were really helpful and it was very nice to experience how different people perceive the world in different ways.

By Ivar J K


Nov 29, 2019

While have not completed this course, the content and and instruction are rather well designed. One issue - the iPhone app and the web based trining are not in sync. Sections I thought were completed on one platform appear either completed or not on the other. However - worth the money.



Apr 3, 2016

I learned a lot from this course. It made me become aware that it takes skills to captures a photo that is compelling and eye engaging. I realized that it was not easy and it would take you a lot of practice to learn how to take a proper exposure or how you would want your photo to appear.

By Sofia M D


Aug 16, 2020

Me gustó porque fue una buena oportunidad para aprender muchas cosas que no sabía de la fotografía, el funcionamiento de una cámara y la historia detrás. También es bueno que haya cierta flexibilidad para la entrega de los trabajos, permite ser más independiente y responsable. Buen curso!

By gloria


Jul 26, 2018

It's a really good lecture for who are new and interested in photograph. Teachers will lead you to notice something important but you were never pay attention on it before. Besides, it lets me know a little bit what is the difference between professional photograph and the common people.

By Neil A K


Jul 7, 2020

This is a great introductory Photography course. The instructors are knowledgeable and respectful. Peer review of assignments is an interesting part of the course. The student is forced to think about what they learned and to express that respectfully when analyzing the works of others.

By Tereza R


Aug 30, 2023

I didn't expect it to be such an awesome course. I love the assignments since they gave me a new perspective on photography and I found a new even stronger passion for taking photos. The delivery was interesting and elaborate and I'm looking forward to start another course from the Team

By Carol M


Oct 20, 2020

Exelente curso !!!!

Costo un poco por el idioma, pero con el traductor, solucionado.

Es práctico, ya que uno lo puede hacer en el tiempo que podamos, sin apuros y a nuestros ritmo. Yo adelante semanas

Lo bueno también que están los foros donde podemos interactuar con los compañeros.

By Roman Z


Oct 4, 2021

Started this course with zero skills in photography. My pictures (taken on my iPhone) started to get better by week 3. Also one of the professors really looks like an Indiana Jones (only in this universe he got interested in photography instead of archeology). Highly recommended!

By Joshua H C D


Mar 7, 2016

I never believe that a course of photograph would be available and one that take you step by step is awesome, keep this kind of coursers where you learn everything and with a teacher that take you and have a patient to teach and give you examples, that is also the key, examples.