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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to User Experience Principles and Processes by University of Michigan

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About the Course

This UX course provides an introduction to the fields of UX research and design. Learners will gain an understanding of what is involved in UX research, including conducting interviews, evaluating systems, and analyzing systems using principles of good design. Learners will also learn about the work involved in UX Design, including the generation of promising design solutions and the creation of prototypes at multiple levels of fidelity. By interleaving successive phases of UX Research and Design, learners will see how to learn from inevitable mistakes and improve towards a product with a great UX. What you'll learn: - The skills needed for UX research and design
 - How UX researchers discover and assess user needs and assess possible designs
 - How to conduct a micro-usability test
 - How UX designers use sketching and prototyping to develop design concepts - How to incorporate a user-centered focus into the design process
 - Key features of human behavior and describe their impact on the design of interactive systems
 - Techniques for critiquing and designing interactive systems based on human capabilities and behavior

Top reviews


May 24, 2020

Very well presented course. I took in alot of information. A little more guidance would have been helpful when completing the projects, but overall I am very pleased with this course and instructor.


Jun 13, 2021

Wonderful course! Lots of valuable information is provided. Professor Mark Newman is an excellent teacher. I wasn't sure if I should attend the course but I'm glad I did. Learned a lot!Earle Phillips

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1 - 25 of 366 Reviews for Introduction to User Experience Principles and Processes

By Olivia H


Dec 9, 2019

The theoretic part is interesting and so are the assignments. However, the fact that there are ONLY peer graded assignments, is not a good idea. It's important to have feedback from professionals and not only from students who are also learning. It's good to have SOME peer graded exercises to see other people's work and learn from them. I like the quizzes and that I can go at my own pace. Lastly, not being able to contact the teacher really sucks.

By Danielle N


Apr 29, 2020

The content is great but peer review is horrible. Everyone is at the same level so why am I being graded by peers who might not understand the project. I have had to resubmit projects multiple times because peers are randomly clicking grades and leaving no feedback. I recommend switching these assignments to just quizzes or capstone projects.

By René F M


Mar 10, 2020

The evaluation process and feedback didn't come from a professional, but instead from someone that was studying like me, so I see a much lower value on this due to that.

Discussion forums need to be updated, you get lost in there because you categorize or filtered enough to get to your own post to follow up on it.

By Aviv H S


Aug 12, 2019

Make sure you submit your final assignment weeks before your next renewal date. The system will make sure there are no other peers to grade it for you to complete the course, that it will fail you, so you'll need to pay for another month just to re-submit the final assignment. Very disappointing,

By Kevin H


May 17, 2020

The course content is of a very high standard and interesting. However the Peer Review assignments do little to contribute towards learning outcomes. Marking is highly inconsistent and open to abuse, students will revenge mark for receiving low grades on their assignments. Students do not keep to the marking guidelines and frequently apply their own made up criteria. Peer Review is very much a flawed method and is used extensively in this specialization unfortunately. Coursera provides no support on this and you have to just keep resubmitting the assignment in the hope of eventually finding a constructive peer review.

By Abhinav R


Sep 7, 2020

Believe me when I say: You'll finish this course orders of magnitude more learned about UX Design than before signing up. If you're looking for an introductory course to UX design, look no further.

By Sirisha L


Aug 6, 2019

This course not only gives you a deep understanding of UX principles but it also provides an ability to work on some interesting assignments that will help you gain practical knowledge.

By Abdullah A R S


Sep 30, 2020

This course really explains the core principles of UX and how to deal with real life related problem. A very well organized introduction for people who really want to learn UX. Recommended.

By Riya K


Jul 26, 2020

I really liked completing this course. It has given me a push to start my own design journey. This is a very well planned syllabus and it is from my dream university made it even more special for me.

By Valerie K


Jan 12, 2021

Love the videos from this instructor, but I failed my first peer review assignment because a middle eastern man gave me all of the lowest scores possible (all 1s). The two other reviewers did not. I am not interested in being treated poorly because I am a woman. I have no interest in classes that are not graded by the instructor. I had plenty of good ideas and well over 20 which was required.

By Gigi C


Aug 11, 2020

Just started tho I have taken similar classes from my software vendor. I am dropping it because its too wordy for the content, I dislike the imposed pace rather than an overall deadline and the platform is awkward.

I would suggest that the Coursera web designers take this class or one similar -- I find both the user PC based interface and the phone app clunky.

By Ari R


Mar 19, 2019

Course videos are great and the instructor does a good job at explaining the material. However the course assessments and assessment submission experience was a let down. Please be reasonable and explain the assessment properly and take a look at how confusing submitting is.

By Snigdha


Sep 4, 2020

Enjoyed the course - insightful lectures and assignments. My only complaint is with the peer-review system. While the assignments are interesting and provide good hands-on experience, you will have to be the best judge of your own work, since the peer-reviews provide no usable feedback.

That being said, the system is not all bad. The assignments are designed in a way that requires very individualistic thinking, and the peer-reviews are a nice way of seeing how other learners tackled the same problem.

By Chloe R


Oct 16, 2020

Walked out with so much knowledge that I'm surprised. Definitely the course to take if you want to know about User Experiences, I can't look at products of processes the same after what I learned. I can't even use the coffee maker without going down the processes in my head and thinking of a better product. I will never see design the same again or even people's interactions with everything. Take the course seriously and you will learn!



May 25, 2020

Very well presented course. I took in alot of information. A little more guidance would have been helpful when completing the projects, but overall I am very pleased with this course and instructor.

By Asif M K


Jun 3, 2019

Very well structured course. I've learned a lot of new things; the first assignment was a tough one though, however, reading the Discussion board kinda helps, always.

By Olivia A C


Apr 10, 2020

getting peer reviews was difficult

By Kendall M


Apr 29, 2023

This was an incredible beginner's course to user experience. If you are willing to put the work in, you will leave this first course with an assignment that can be placed directly into your portfolio. There is a peer-grading element to a few of the assignments. This can be good or bad: Peers may grade you with top points blindly due to laziness, or they may be over-critical. However, if your work is legitimately good, you should not have a problem.

I did notice (from peer-grading other assignments) that quite a few students did not take parts of this course seriously. It is too bad, because by skimping on the assignment, they robbed themselves of an incredible learning opportunity.

One note I would give: Give students the rubric for both parts of the Heuristic Evaluation project at the start. I would have saved a lot of time if I had known to take screenshots during the initial site inspection. I had to basically redo it because I didn't know we would be using screenshots in our report.

I put that in the review because I hope it will help someone else who reads this to not make the same mistake: When you do the "Part 1" evaluation of the Discussion Forum - take screenshots! :)

I look forward to experiencing the rest of the courses in this specialization! I hope they all live up to this first impression.

By Michelle P


Dec 29, 2020

This is a great introduction to User Experience Principles and Processes. I was well pleased with the extent of information and resources to grasp what the principles and processes are. The assignments helped reinforce the learning and gave me something to take with me as a guide to continue on learning or start applying these principles in my work. I highly recommend not only this course, but also the professor. He was easy to follow and explained the subject very well.

By Yolanda M A


Mar 7, 2019

Fantastic course! I highly recommend it. The teacher is awesome, the exercises and tasks really help in the learning process and the whole course is very well explained an organised

By William A


May 19, 2019

Very good and informative. The only downside is I wish other students could finish their assignments faster so I can finish all my peer review tasks.

By Shehroz A


Sep 19, 2019

Very detailed and easy to learn course one thing I had issue with was peer grading it takes quite some time to get grades.

By Sophia D


Oct 22, 2020

It's taking forever to get your assignments reviewed.

By Sanjana A K


Sep 22, 2020

Absolutely Amazing Experience. The importance of actually sketching ideas instead of keeping everything in our head and starting from the worst ideas first and building up gave a lot of wonderful Dos and Don'ts . I underestimated the strength of this activity. Also the heuristic evaluations and violations gave me an insight about how we all observe so many things but are not aware of it. The assignments are amazing if you take them seriously. Also the interviews in the end gave some much perspective as to how all this information is used in the real world. Though this is a small part of the course, it really gives hope for young people to see some real world work experiences. I recommend this course for UX beginners.

By Tanishq K


Sep 28, 2020

Prof. Newman is really a great teacher with deep knowledge of User Experience. It was Great Learning with him. Got to learn a lot of things. This is the best Introduction course and I look forward for more such courses, specially form Prof. Newman. I Highly recommend this course to all those who are new to user experience and also for those who wants to increase their domain from User Interface to Experience. I appreciate everyone who took efforts designing this course and special congratulations to them!