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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Modern Art & Ideas by The Museum of Modern Art

6,368 ratings

About the Course

Modern Art & Ideas is designed for anyone interested in learning more about modern and contemporary art. You will look at art through a variety of themes, including Places and Spaces, Art and Identity, Transforming Everyday Objects, and Art and Society. Each week kicks off with a video that connects key works of art to the theme. You’ll also have access to interviews with artists, designers, and others who speak about their materials, processes, and sources of inspiration. Through the discussion forum prompts you will also have the opportunity to connect with other learners and explore how these themes resonate with you....

Top reviews


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I found it very interesting and challenging giving me deeper understanding of art as themes and why modern art was linked with the industrial revolution, media and relationship with its audience.


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Thank you very much for the experience and the possibility to learn new information about art. It was great to partecipate and I will definitely recommend to my friends and acquaintances.

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151 - 175 of 1,606 Reviews for Modern Art & Ideas

By Tina L

Jun 20, 2020

I really enjoyed learning about modern art through this course. There were so many artworks I've never seen before and each had a very significant meaning behind it. I particularly liked the written reflection and the image curation project at the end of Week 5. Overall, I had a lot of fun!

By Anna E B

Feb 18, 2021

Great course! It was so easy and at the same time exciting to learn about different types of Modern Art, grouped in such an unusual and creative way! The course format - small texts and small videos - is very easy for memorizing and assimilation. Looking forward for next courses from MoMA!

By Dr. D H

Jul 9, 2020

Modern Art course by MoMA exceeded my expectations. It is well organised and keeps us engaged throughout the course. It is a good introduction to modern art for beginners and helps generate interest in modern art. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and look forward to other courses from MoMA.

By Gonzalo C

Dec 1, 2018

The course is absolutely awesome. The material is really interesting (specially the videos) and the approach is very innovative, as you approach the art through topics (society, identity...). After doing this course, your perception of modern art will change completely. Highly recommended!

By Jo I M

Jun 29, 2022

This course really impressed me, and I am very grateful for signing up to it. I am looking forward to the next one. The themes werew balanced, I was introduced to art and artist I was unfamiliar with, and by putting it in a context I found that I gained much more than I had anticipated.

By Matthew O

Mar 25, 2018

This course was enjoyable and inspiring to take. I was able to learn about works that I had previous knowledge about in ways that I had not thought to look at them previously, as well as learn about new works. This has opened up many areas that I wish to continue studying. Thank you.

By Laura B

Jul 30, 2017

I am so pleased, satisfied and proud of taking this course. It has taught me a lot about modern art, contemporary ideas and how art means more than just beauty. I know how to start seeing more behind the art, to try to understand the ideas and the different ways they can be expressed.

By Juliana M A

May 20, 2020

Este curso me ayudo a aprender mas sobre la historia del arte moderno. La información que nos proporciona este curso esta muy bien complementada y se entiende fácilmente, los quizes y las reflexiones personales nos ayudan a reunir esa información y complementarla de una manera única.

By Helena C

Jan 23, 2019

Well ''curated'' and organized, very informative and thought provoking. A very interesting modern art course for art, photography and architecture enthusiasts. Being a hobbyist or an art related professional this course will definitely give you resources and present you to new ideas.

By Dylan D

Oct 28, 2019

The course was well designed, and the themes served to highlight the different roles and achievements that art can take on. I'd only wish that there were more Eastern artworks featured, for a more holistic view. Overall a fantastic course, and I'm thrilled to have been a part of it!

By Olesia D

Jan 3, 2018

I truly enjoyed the course by MoMA. In my opinion, it's a good idea to take thecourse for both the people with some background in arts and for those who are only beginners. amazing presentations and some additional literature to be involved in the world of Modern & Contemporary art.

By Katherine

Sep 24, 2020

I took this course because i knew very little about modern art and wanted to understand it more. I came away with a much better appreciation of modern art. I was introduced to so many pieces of art that really moved me and I've shared a lot of what I've learned with other people.

By María S

Jun 20, 2020

Este curso hace referencia a varios temas y su relaciòn con el arte. Elige varios artistas y sus obras en los diferentes temas. Muchas de las obras son bastante conocidas pero el analisis a traves de los curadores y los articulos informativos nos amplian el conocimiento del arte.

By Ekin K

Jun 18, 2020

This was such an amazing course, I learned a lot and it made me aware of such great artists! I loved the themes of each week, especially places&spaces. From now on, whenever I see a painting that is striking to me, I'll do some search about it and think on it more deeply. Thanks!

By Estefany P S

Jul 24, 2017

un paseo por lo mas representativo del arte moderno, dividido en temas semanales que nos permiten ver mas allá de la obra que se nos presenta, nos pide pensar en el contexto histórico del momento de su ejecución y en el mensaje que el artista desea enviarnos. super recomendable.

By Christine M B

Jun 6, 2020

I really enjoyed the course. The activity I liked the most was actually the last one, because I could read the essays of my peers (from all over the globe!), give my feedback and also get feedback about my text. I got really dear comments :) We should have more peer assignments

By Colorado L

May 22, 2020

This course offered rich content and incredible discussion formats where classmates shared dialogue and original artwork as a shared community during a difficult Covid-19 era. Connecting with people from all over the world in a shared art community brought sunshine to my world.

By Raja P

Jul 16, 2020

It was an amazing journey through the rich history of Modern Art and the ideas that has been influencing the entire human civilization. The course content is too rich to be pursued by any art enthusiast. I am really thankful to MOMA and Coursera for this wonderful opportunity.

By Muskan C

May 8, 2020

I have always thought of Modern Art as something that is meaningless or vague. This course taught me a lot about it and now I see Modern Art in a new light, confident to interpret and understand paintings. Brilliant videos and reading sources, a must course for all art lovers!

By Camille A

Jul 4, 2020

It was such a great pleasure to follow that course. I am an art amateur and the older I get the more I appreciate modern art. I really really enjoyed this course although having no computer I had diffIculties in some parts of the course. Anyway thank you for the experience!!

By Kilprints

Jul 3, 2020

si bien es un curso muy completo, muchas veces era repetitivo, no sé si era estrategia para refrescar información acerca de la modernidad. Muy buenas referencias, me encanto el tema de Arte e Identidad, así como el de Espacios y lugares. Además son temas que siguen vigentes.

By Suz F

May 15, 2020

I feel as though this course has really opened up my mind to new ways of looking at and understanding modern art. I enjoyed it very much and discovered many new artists and works. The final practical assignments were thought provoking and fun. I would highly recommend it.

By Vannesa S

Mar 8, 2023

I'm very happy to complete this course, it synthesizes very well the main themes and characteristics of modern art, and it also has some dynamic activities to engage more in it, so I think it's a good choice for all the people like me that enjoy and have an interest in art.

By Zona T (

Dec 30, 2020

I greatly enjoyed this exposure to modern art, some of which I have been aware of but didn't know much of the context for its creation, and other works I was first exposed to in the class. The course is well presented and coherent in the themed approach. Well done, thanks!

By Avni A

Oct 9, 2017

I did this course while I was feeling a little lost in my practice as an artist. This course inspired me to explore further with my creativity. And I am very glad I found this course. Plus I learnt quite a bit about modern art in america that I didnt know details about.