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$1 for the first month , then $59/month.
Valid for new Coursera Plus subscribers only. Only one reward per learner. Offer is subject to change. After the first month, this subscription auto-renews monthly for $59/month
Learn from 325+ leading universities and companies with Coursera Plus
Invest in your career with Coursera Plus
Get access to videos in over 90% of courses, Specializations, and Professional Certificates taught by top instructors from leading universities and companies.
Learn anything
Explore any interest or trending topic, take prerequisites, and advance your skills
Save money
Spend less money on your learning if you plan to take multiple courses this year
Flexible learning
Learn at your own pace, move between multiple courses, or switch to a different course
Unlimited certificates
Earn a certificate for every learning program that you complete at no additional cost
See what you can learn with Coursera Plus
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