Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)

Completed by Andras Molnar

July 31, 2022

Approximately 2 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Introduction to Machine Learning in Production

Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production

Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production

Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production

View certificate for Andras Molnar, Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps), offered through Coursera. Congratulations! You have completed all four courses of Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization.

In this Specialization, you learned how to conceptualize and maintain integrated systems. You mastered well-established tools and methodologies to build production systems that can handle relentless evolving data and continuously run at maximum efficiency. 

You're now familiar with the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of machine learning engineering in production and are ready to level up your career by participating in the development of leading-edge AI technology and solving real-world problems.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Introduction to Machine Learning in Production


Taught by: Andrew Ng & Cristian Bartolomé Arámburu

Completed by: Andras Molnar by May 26, 2021

At the rate of 5 hours a week, it typically takes 3 weeks to complete this course.

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Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production


Taught by: Robert Crowe

Completed by: Andras Molnar by July 14, 2021

At the rate of 5 hours a week, it typically takes 4 weeks to complete this course.

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Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production


Taught by: Robert Crowe

Completed by: Andras Molnar by July 20, 2021

At the rate of 5 hours a week, it typically takes 5 weeks to complete this course

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Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production


Taught by: Laurence Moroney & Robert Crowe

Completed by: Andras Molnar by July 31, 2022

At the rate of 5 hours a week, it typically takes 4 weeks to complete this course

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