- Design
- Art
- History
- Photography
- Museums
November 12, 2020
Approximately 2 months at 10 hours a week to completeJOSEPH R LIPARI's account is verified. Coursera certifies their successful completion of The Museum of Modern Art Modern and Contemporary Art and Design Specialization.
Course Certificates Completed
Modern Art & Ideas
Seeing Through Photographs
What Is Contemporary Art?
Fashion as Design
Develop a deeper understanding of artists’ and designers’ processes, including modes of experimentation and responses to technological innovation.
Develop critical thinking and looking skills to understand how artists and designers respond to the social and cultural issues of their time.
Gain confidence in looking at and talking about modern and contemporary art and design, and find inspiration from art all around you.
Better comprehend the choices you make about fashion with respect to expression, identity, and issues such as labor practices and sustainability.
Earned after completing each course in the Specialization
The Museum of Modern Art
Taught by: Lisa Mazzola
Completed by: JOSEPH R LIPARI by May 6, 2020
5 weeks of study, 2 hours per week
The Museum of Modern Art
Taught by: Sarah Meister & Lucy Gallun
Completed by: JOSEPH R LIPARI by October 27, 2020
7 weeks of study, 1-3 hours/week
The Museum of Modern Art
Taught by: Sophie Cavoulacos, Sean Anderson, Arièle Dionne-Krosnick, Erica Papernik-Shimizu & Christian Rattemeyer
Completed by: JOSEPH R LIPARI by October 27, 2020
The Museum of Modern Art
Taught by: Paola Antonelli, Michelle Millar Fisher, Stephanie Kramer & Anna Burckhardt
Completed by: JOSEPH R LIPARI by November 12, 2020
2-3 hours per week