- Market Research
- Research and Design
- Marketing
- Communication
- Data Analysis
- Critical Thinking
- Decision Making
- Strategy
- Business Communication
- Planning
- General Statistics
- Probability & Statistics
December 2, 2023
Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to completeDANIELA TURCANU's account is verified. Coursera certifies their successful completion of University of California, Davis Market Research Specialization.
Course Certificates Completed
Research Proposal: Initiating Research
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
Research Report: Delivering Insights
Compose a professionally packaged research plan or proposal
Analyze focus group data and create a focus group report following common business practices in qualitative market research
Design an effective questionnaire and launch your survey to the target audience
Analyze survey results, perform basic calculations, synthesize research findings and develop and deliver insights
Earned after completing each course in the Specialization
University of California, Davis
Taught by: Jim Fong
Completed by: DANIELA TURCANU by November 29, 2023
4 weeks of study, 2-5 hours/week
University of California, Davis
Taught by: Susan Berman
Completed by: DANIELA TURCANU by December 2, 2023
4 weeks of study, 4-7 hours/week
University of California, Davis
Taught by: Susan Berman & Olivier Rubel, PhD
Completed by: DANIELA TURCANU by December 1, 2023
4 weeks of study, 4-7 hours/week
University of California, Davis
Taught by: Robin Boyar & Ashwin Aravindakshan, PhD
Completed by: DANIELA TURCANU by December 2, 2023
4 weeks of study, 3-5 hours/week