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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Luther and the West by Northwestern University

101 ratings

About the Course

In this course we will discuss the history of some ideas that have been hugely influential in the modern west and that were taken out to the rest of the world. The discussion centers on an extraordinary and historically important figure, a sixteenth century German man named Martin Luther. Luther is recognized today as the originator of many of the most significant ideas that continue to affect and shape who we as modern people are and how we see the world and ourselves for better and for worse. In the first section, we will explore why Luther thought the Bible was the most important volume for everyone to have and read. Included here will be a careful consideration of Luther's anti-Judaism, which contributed to western antisemitism and some of the greatest horrors of the twentieth century. In the second section, we will talk about the idea of freedom and how Luther's understanding of freedom in Christ affected the way modern thinkers understood what it means to be human in community. Important in this section is the consequential contradiction between freedom and slavery in western thought and their co-existence in western societies. The third section will be all about the many complicated relations between religion and politics. NOTE: Students wishing to sign up for free access to all instructional course content should click on the "Sign-In" button in the upper right hand corner. Those who wish to take the course and complete a certificate that requires payment, please click the Enroll button on the left side of this page....

Top reviews


Nov 2, 2017

This is a well-planned course that I learned a whole lot from. I was curious about Luther and church history to begin with, and this course satisfied that curiosity.


Jan 18, 2021

Excellent course covering the complete historical, political, and spiritual development of Martin Luther and his influence on Western intellectual thought.

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26 - 34 of 34 Reviews for Luther and the West

By Melchisedec S


Nov 2, 2020

Excellent course, Perfect for one who studies the Bible.



Oct 10, 2020


By Linda H


Aug 13, 2019

An excellent course!

By Mauricio Q


May 17, 2020

excellent !!!

By Vivian-Rose G


Dec 8, 2019

I think this is a very good cours. I learned a lot of details about Luther and his influence on the european history and culture. The only thing that I regret is the lack of response to questions. Maybe this is du to a reduced noumber of participants at this last serie. Good luck for future courses.

By Brian V H


Mar 17, 2021

The only criticism that I have - the importance of the printing press was perhaps under-valued. In my opinion without the printing press Luther would be unknown and the reformation would not have happened at that time.

By Olaf D


Apr 1, 2017

I think this was a very interesting and informative course, although the lessons could have been a little bit longer! I do recommend this course strongly

By Vannan R


May 22, 2018

With looking up the different topics on YouTube, I found this class a great overview and basics. Very straight forward basic class touching the basics.

By Yolanda C L G


Dec 25, 2016

Se le da demasiado crédito a Lutero, quien si en algo sobresalió fue en su arrogancia, orgullo y terquedad. ¿Que en la Iglesia Católica había excesos? Sí, igual que los había en el tiempo de San Francisco de Asís, pero el Pobrecillo reforzó la unidad cristiana. Lutero en cambio provocó un cisma, contrariando así el deseo de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo de que todos seamos uno.