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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes by Google

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About the Course

Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes is the third course in a certificate program that will equip you with the skills you need to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience (UX) design. In this course, you’ll continue to design a mobile app for your professional UX portfolio. You’ll start by creating storyboards and getting familiar with the basics of drawing. Then, you'll create paper wireframes and digital wireframes using the design tool Figma. You’ll also create a paper prototype and a digital low-fidelity prototype in Figma. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Develop a goal statement. - Create two types of storyboards: big picture and close-up. - Understand the difference between low-fidelity and high-fidelity design. - Apply the basics of drawing. - Apply the principles of information architecture to organize a mobile app. - Create paper wireframes for a mobile app design. - Develop digital wireframes in the design tool Figma. - Build a paper prototype to add interactivity to designs. - Design a low-fidelity prototype in Figma. - Recognize implicit bias and deceptive patterns in design. - Continue to design a mobile app to include in your professional portfolio. To be successful in this course, you should complete the previous two courses in this certificate program, or have an ability to conduct user research to inform the creation of empathy maps, personas, user stories, user journey maps, problem statements, and value propositions. You will also need paper and a pen or pencil....

Top reviews


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I learnt most of my firsts here. My first Lo-Fi prototype on paper and then on Figma. Feels accomplishing. Thanks a lot coursera for the financial aid and to the mentors for wonderful teaching.


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Very insightful and good practice exercises. There were some sections on deceptive design and inclusivity that felt like it didn't belong to this course, but instead to the first or second course.

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26 - 50 of 1,628 Reviews for Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes

By Alyona M


Mar 22, 2021

I particularly enjoyed this part of professional certification. Especially the part about dark patterns. I feel like Google not only educates me but also makes me a better person...ethically. There's a deeper than just mastering professional skills context.

By Ashlee F


Aug 11, 2023

This course was by far my favorite as it challenged my knowledge from the previous two courses and it really got fun with the digital wire framing and prototyping. I am excited as ever to learn more!

By rumana i


Jul 1, 2023

Provides an amazing way of explaining what storyboards, wireframes and prototypes are. Learned a lot created a lot of designs and had so much fun.And the instructor I'll miss so much.She's so sweet.

By Yohannes G B


Mar 17, 2022

I spend a great time in this course thanks to the lecturer and for the google team for providing us interesting course materials, its a dream come true on my journey to User Experiance Design.

By Jaquan L


Mar 24, 2021

This course went in-depth with the technical side of UX design. You're able to get hands on experience with building designs which is really exciting!

By Hoi D


Mar 24, 2021

I like getting opportunities to engage with others learning about UX design. There was a lot of activities too

By Dacian L


Apr 16, 2021

Interesting, full of info, bit abstract at times - lots of out-course activity to learn Figma. Great overall!

By Otmane A


Oct 29, 2021

i think the course is well organized but some point like sitemap and Information architecture not well explained

By Sibulele M


Jul 23, 2022

the course is good ut i just don't like this peer graded tasks, you fail because someone doesn't know how to grade

By Scott L


Jan 7, 2022

There is alot of missing direction as to how to submit assignments and what is expected. More and clear information is needed. I realize there is a proctor to email questions but the wait time for answer is a few days to over a week. At this point I will wait for an answer on how we submit assignments and then may find another course. No way i'm going to waste anymore time here.



Feb 25, 2022

Do not have a passport or residence permit? I'm sorry you can not get your degree. Do you hear Google?

By Garima B


Jan 1, 2022

Frustating to verify id to get the certificate. Worst experience ever.

By Abhay S


Jun 2, 2024

The "Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes" course, part of the Google UX Design Professional Certificate on Coursera, is an essential resource for learning the foundational skills of UX design. It covers the creation of wireframes and low-fidelity prototypes, emphasizing the importance of these early-stage design tools in the iterative design process. Taught by Google UX experts, the course includes video lessons, hands-on activities, and real-world examples. This combination helps learners understand the principles of wireframing and prototyping and apply them effectively in their projects. The course ensures students can quickly translate ideas into tangible designs, facilitating early feedback and iteration. Strengths of the course include its clear, step-by-step instruction and practical focus, making it ideal for beginners. The real-world applicability of the projects enhances the learning experience. However, incorporating more advanced techniques and tools could provide additional depth. Overall, this course is a valuable starting point for anyone looking to build a strong foundation in UX design.

By Marcela M E I


Jun 19, 2024

Dear Coursera Team, I am currently enrolled in the certification course with Google in UX design. In course 3, module 2, I believe that the exercise should be replaced with a different assignment. The assignment is to share an example of solid information architecture (IA). The IA should be designed for a web or app portfolio, and the student should be able to review the actions after the flowchart. This is an essential aspect of the site. In order for the architecture to be effective, it is necessary to create the schematics and pass them to digital. This would be an interesting exercise from the perspective of the information collected and an opportunity to understand how the navigation would be implemented in an ideal scenario. In the evaluation of this same module, I have identified an error in the Google translation that has the potential to cause confusion in the answer in Spanish. 4. Haga un esquema de página para tener un producto real como referencia. debería ser: Haga un esquema de página de un sitio existente para tener un producto real como referente. Thks!



Dec 28, 2021

In this course I have been excited about building story boards and I found it very interesting how they help in creating wire frames, I got to understand about information architecture. Another exiting activity was creating digital wireframe from paper wire frames using the exciting tool called figma. One interesting activity kept following one another after building digital wire frames up next was constructing low fidelity paper prototypes which led to going back to figma to create digital prototypes. Working with figma has been very engaging and exciting when building my prototype I faced a slight challenge with linking some pages I don’t know if figma was taking its time to save the work other than that I enjoyed this course and the instructor was awesome.

By Shane J C H


Jul 3, 2022

Overall, it has been a most outstanding experience. The itinerary of course instructors is more than exceptional. Not only are each and all of them very competent in the subject matter at hand as being facilitated.

Yet, and perhaps more importantly, they had a savviness and charismatic approach, demonstration in each one's own unique right-of-way to communicate every learning -- growth and developmental step with expertise and a razor-sharp finesse wihch is mandatory of complete learning to take place.

Thank you all for the exceptional learning experience. I am grateful! Bravo in a concise word. What a gifted and versed UX Desgn Team. Like-minded folks do indeed and in fact coalesce around important activities.


SJC, Ph.D.

By Yannick B


Jul 3, 2023

I really like these Google UX courses. The lectures are great. Good pace, good explanation. Slides are amazing. Well made.

The downside to these coursera google courses is that there is no lecturer or anyone at all you can contact to ask questions. The feedback from your 'peers' is quite bad most of the time.

So.. yes, quality vs cost etc is great. But know that there is no interaction at all. For example: I am stuck with a 'wrong' prompt for an app I have to build. But I have to stick to it because no one answers my questions or feedback.

By Sachin V


Feb 28, 2022

Thanks for a such Easy Learning process course with Practical study it will make us perfect and perticular, in the course each and evry section is designed very well.Basically I am totally new in this field but getting very good experience of learning in design process and sofware developement and apps.

Now my confidence is high and very excited to learn more courses to make carrier.

I am at age of 43 yrs and looking for best carrier and experience with work and thinking for enjoyable life with family.

Hope will get good opportunity so far.

By Resources


Jun 6, 2023

"The 'Build Wireframes and Low-Fidelity Prototypes' course is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their skills in UX design. The course provides a comprehensive overview of wireframing and low-fidelity prototyping, including best practices and practical tips for creating effective designs. The instructors are knowledgeable and engaging, and the course is well-structured and easy to follow. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their UX design skills or expand their knowledge in this field."

By hung n


Feb 7, 2022

After this course, I know how to create wireframes and lo-fi prototype. The course covers a lot of knowledge as well as exercises for you to practice what you're learning. You will learn how to create storyboards (big picture and close up), paper prototypes, and digital prototypes (using Figma). The instructor is very easy to understand. After each video, there will be readings so that you can review that topic. Also, quizzes are very helpful to test how well you understand the lesson. Overall, highly recommended course.



Apr 1, 2022

It was a great experience for completing this course 3, I was able to learn and implement the wireframing and prototyping phase in the UX Design Process with Figma. I learned how to build goal statements, create user flows, create big-picture storyboards, and close-up storyboards. Creating digital wireframes and building low fidelity prototypes on paper as well as in Figma was an interesting part of this course. I also learned about the different types of deceptive patterns in UX and how to avoid them.

By Stephanie K


Feb 28, 2023

Honestly, the most frustrating was working with Figma, and the best part was working with Figma! I had to re-do my wireframe and protoype initially because I wasn't using Frames correctly, but I figured it out. Now I just want to put in the visual design work in! Very excited to see something that I have created, putting 20+ hours into it. I had to walk away days at a time because I was so overwhelmed with this step but it opened my mind and I appreciate the new knowledge.

By Nini A


Oct 3, 2022

Muito bom! A teoria foi bacana, abriu minha visao para temas que antes eu nao conhecia e ele foi muito pratico! O curso dá uma base pra aprendizagem de uma ferramenta de design (Figma). A partir disso, voce pode se aperfeicoar de acordo com o grau desejado de conhecimento que voce desejar ter. Alem de te ajudar a focar em construir uma experiencia focada nos usuarios, cometendo menos deslizes na construcao de uma interface mais fluida e user-friendly. SUPER RECOMENDO!

By Kim E


Aug 26, 2021

by far the most enjoyable module of the course so far. Easy digestable small lessons of information combined with practicle activities made this a really great method of learning and actually remembering the information taught,

the other modules on this certification i.e module one are so full of information it is a real problem trying to remember everything, it also makes learning very labourious at times. This module is the complete opposite a breath of fresh air.

By Srinivas P


May 25, 2023

I am excited to apply my newly acquired skills and contribute to the design community by creating innovative and user-centric solutions. If you have any exciting projects or collaborations in mind, I would love to hear from you! Let's work together to create exceptional experiences that make a difference.

Thank you all for your continued support and encouragement. Let's keep pushing boundaries and shaping the future of design together!