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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition by Arizona State University

7,258 ratings

About the Course

In this course learners are introduced to second or foreign language theories and practices for teaching and assessing listening, speaking, and pronunciation. Learners will also be introduced to basic studies in second language acquisition and their pedagogical implications. Teachers will be invited to recognize the importance of grounding their own teaching philosophy through an examination of purpose, content, and technique....
Applicable teachings

(121 Reviews)

Creatively designed course

(270 Reviews)

Top reviews


Aug 4, 2017

Awesome! Now, this IS a great course on Theories of Second Language Acquisition! Definitely totally recommended; especially to those who are not familiar with or very keen on theories and histories!


Jun 21, 2021

Interesting courses! I am learning a lot. Thank you very much Coursera. I have just completed course 2 and been delivered a certificate but I just can't access my new course. What should I do, please?

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2001 - 2025 of 2,120 Reviews for Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition

By Toyia B

Aug 27, 2019

Outside of all the technological issues I have been experiencing when trying to view the videos, I have still been able to thoroughly enjoy my course. I do not have a formal background in ESL, but I am definitely acquiring the technical skills that will enhance my skill set. Keep doing what you are doing. Oh and I love how you incorporated your dreams into your profession. You never gave up! Commendable!


Jan 16, 2016

It would really been helpful if you provided some readings for each approach. I could do outside readings but as you know you can find lots of readings which might be not useful for a beginner.

The final test was not close by to being easy even though I did study. Thank you for that and that's a good job giving us a challenge to look forward to.

By Michael J S

Jan 28, 2016

It seems staff do not monitor, or address, issues posted repeatedly to the forum, especially in regards to the final test (part 2 of the specialty). The content of the course is great, and if someone with the authority to make changes when errors are detected and reported did care for the course I would have have rated the course higher.

By Huế Ố Q

Aug 12, 2021

Thank profressionals and modarators for designing this course. I appreciate your time and determination. Thanks for your help, I can gain the deep insight into 8 teaching approach in different periods. Therefore, I know how to address my main students and the purpose of teaching in order to pick up suitable methods to conduct classroom!

By Alex A J

Mar 4, 2021

It is an easy overview of the different approaches to teaching language. But it is just an overview with a very superficial breakdown of the techniques used in each approach. For future courses in this specialization, I would love to see how to apply all relevant techniques, individually and in tandem. Dr Dixon is a very good presenter.

By Toàn (

Mar 5, 2022

Thanks Dr. Shane Dixon for your dedication and Jessica Cinco for your beauty and enthusiasism. I have been upgraded from this course. Learning ESL history in the course gave me a better awareness of how learning and teaching ESL are happening around me. And more importantly, I can see my insight teaching style deeper.

By Victor N

Jul 5, 2020

Dr. Dixon and his side-kick Cinco delivered a full history of Second Language Acquisition. I learned a lot more than at my previous university courses. I feel now better prepared for teaching second languages. There is room though to improve the student submissions at the end of each lesson.

By jiyoung J

Jun 15, 2020

I really like the professor Shane, and I was into his action. I can feel passion to teach well and convey the theory well to students.

However, it was sorry that I can't upload Video or audio file when I submit the assignment.

The first part of this course, I could upload Video file.

By Gehad M

Jul 26, 2020

I would love to thank the content creators of this course. it helped me alot to know how the teachers before us dealt with their students, and how they look at the language teaching. It also gave me ideas for classroom activities that i can apply from each approach.

By Fatina

Mar 5, 2017

amazing course.

Thank you.

Now I each time I want to remember any of the approaches, I will remember the video attached to it and quickly remember the main features of each approach. This was quite challenging to me over the years. Thank you for making it possible.

By Dimitris K

Feb 10, 2016

Dr. Dixon really knows how to teach stuff. Excellent.

The reason I give it 4 stars is because it could give us some real examples of in-class applications of all the useful techniques taught. It would really help us enrich our inventory of teaching techniques.

By Sergio J B

Apr 4, 2016

As non-education major, presenting the approaches using a historical timeline is helpful. This way, it was easier to see the weakness of each approach although it could get quite confusing at times because a few approaches have significant overlaps.

By Johan H

Jan 24, 2019

Thank you for the insights - it will certainly make me a better English language teacher. This is also foundational and a requirement before we are "let loose" on students.

(And some fine acting there Dr Dixon - I thoroughly enjoyed your work! :)

By Megan H

Jul 17, 2020

I would have liked more readings from peer-reviewed publications, and the videos were a bit annoying. However, I read the transcripts instead of listening, and this was solid information that I will apply to my teaching. Fascinating material!

By Erick L

Sep 28, 2016

The course is well done and will definitely serve many teachers who would want to draw from history and gain some tested approaches to teaching English. The teaching method can be not so academic but for many people, this perhaps serves best.

By Nelson A R A

Sep 14, 2016

Great for new teachers as it gives them the fundamentals of langauge learning theory. Also very good memory refresher and knowledge connector for experience teachers as it is well summarized and integrated presentation of such theories .

By Susan D

Jun 7, 2017

Loved it!

Although the characterizations really helped me to retain a lot of the information easily, I personally found that they went on for a bit too long sometimes. However, great course and method of teaching all around.

By Eugenia V

Feb 10, 2016

Very informative course. It helped me to get a systematic view on SLE theories. Yet I wish the course was a bit longer and less dense, for the lack of a better word. Too much information was squeezed into very short modules.

By Paul J M

Jun 12, 2016

Lot's of interesting background to language teaching and learning. The material is presented clearly although the instructor may not be to all students' taste. Keep going, however, as the later courses are even better!

By Sigfried T

Jun 8, 2018

While there was a lot of good content, sometimes the dramatizations were long on performance and short on good information. As an avid debater the Devil and Angel "arguments" were cringe worthy most of the time.

By Robby

Aug 27, 2019

Great content, reviews, and quizes. Dr. Dixon was ridiculous in the videos, which helped me retain the information, for which I'm not angry, but it made me cringe! Ha! I need to meet him in real life.

By Sarah C

May 20, 2019

There's some unconfortable sexism in some of the lessons. They are dramatizations but still it's not welcoming or funny for female students and would not be considered ok if it was "jokes" about race.

By Pedro d T d A ( C

Sep 12, 2022

Excellent structure of contents and video outlines, failed to give the fifth star as I see that there are still space for further interactions between students and instructors. Still, great job!

By Ana M C

Nov 4, 2019

The course is well prepared, however, you could include more material to read and more examples about the activities some teachers have already done applying the techniques learned.

By Sharon K B

Jul 2, 2021

Seemed like a lot of info that is not really necessary. Did like how it was done, though.

Both this course and the previous, after passing the final test, doesn't allow me to go on.