Oct 1, 2022
merci pour ce cours très enrichissant qui couvert beaucoup des aspects de base de langue française et bien sûr donne les clès pour savoir comment bien vivre en france et trouver le bonheur là-bas.
Mar 16, 2021
Great help in continuing my education on the French language. It's also very useful in learning how to navigate some of the things you may encounter as a foreign student arriving in France. :)
•Aug 28, 2020
By Ana C V
•Jul 20, 2020
By Tatyana B
•Feb 15, 2018
By Elizabeth R
•Dec 25, 2020
I completed this course in order to have a virtual “study abroad” experience. I studied French in Québec many years ago but never studied in France. The videos and grammar review lessons were most helpful and it was fun to live vicariously as a student in France. Regarding difficulties, there are technical issues with two quizzes in which a few correct answers are marked as incorrect. It would also help to have facilitators monitoring the forums to respond to instructor-directed concerns. Overall, though, I enjoyed the experience and thank the enthusiastic instructors for their hard work. Please consider offering C1 and C2 in the future! Merci beaucoup!
By Blessing M
•Jun 13, 2020
I give this course a four star! I am truly impressed by the course content and how engaging and interactive it was. I am a very interactive person and have found it really difficult and near impossible to complete any online learning, but this was exceptional. I looked forward to studying this course, doing all the exercises, quizzes and reading through the texts. It was an amazing experience and it did really help my passion for this language study. It made great improvements in some aspects I struggled with. I hope for more support and some deeper forms of engagements to take this learning to a higher level. Well done!
By Fabiola M
•Mar 7, 2021
O curso é muito interessante e penso ser muito útil para futuros estudantes estrangeiros em França. Penso que alguma informação era desnecessária, como por exemplo a história de certas palavras e a leitura de versos poéticos muito antigos, o curso deveria ter conteúdo mais atualizado à era atual.
Gostei muito dos professores, falam muito claramente e explicam com simplicidade. Também gostei dos exercícios de escrita e reflexões sobre certos aspetos da sociedade. Parabéns por este curso tão interessante!
By Gladys D
•Jul 27, 2021
El curso es excelente, Los profesores son muy didacticos, Yo pude comprender todas sus clases, su lenguaje es claro, pausado y muy facil de entender. Si tuviera que agregar algo que podria faltar en este curso es : faltaria incorporar mas vocabulario, orientar al estudiente a hablar . Quizas es curso esta muy enfocado a la ortografia, y entender el frances, que a hablar el idioma. Igualmente sumamente agradecida por dejarme ser participe de esta experiencia enriquecedora . Muy, muy recomendable.!!!
By Rachael R
•Dec 9, 2019
The course is well-organized and I feel I learned a lot. My only complaint is that since the assignments are peer-reviewed, they can be marked incorrectly without any means of rectification. One of the two graders on my final assignment seemed to assign points randomly. They gave me a 0 out of 2 for examples given, where 0 meant no examples, 1 meant 1-2 examples, and 2 meant 2+ examples, but I gave four examples altogether. Ultimately, I am happy with having taken this course and would recommend it.
By Marina O
•Aug 16, 2019
Les parties de compression, vocabulaire et grammatique sont très bons. Je comprends que la partie d'expression écrite ne peut pas être corrigée par un prof mais peut-être qu'elle peut avoir au moins un autocorrecteur, de toute façon, elle est bonne. La partie que selon moi ait besoin d'améliorer c'est celle de pronunciation/ expression oral: des explications sur la manière de prononcer m'ont manqué et globalement je ne l'ai pas trouvé utile. Néanmoins, le cours est magnifique et gratuit!
By aditi a
•Oct 20, 2022
Tout d'abord, je veux vous remercier d'avoir partager ce mooc gratuitement avec nous, je suis vraiment reconnaissante. Il est utile et pratique pour des étudiants qui veulent faire leurs études supéieurs en France. également, on a trouvé plusieurs ressources utile ici.
Malheureusement, il y a quelques liens dedans qui marchent plus. Donc, se serait encore une service de votre part de les réviser pour les nouveaux apprenants.
Merci beaucoup et bien cordialement
By Edgar E O M
•Mar 11, 2024
Es muy completo el curso a consideración de algunos libros que he leído. Me ayudó a reforzar conceptos y temáticas de gramática que había pasado por alto, sobre todo en el tema de la escucha de algunos fonemas. Ayuda mucho para la comprensión de un texto que se haga una pequeña pregunta después de una información dada, eso ayuda mucho a la memoria y a reforzar la atención sobre algunas palabras que se dan por sabidas.
By Ana J
•Mar 20, 2023
J'aurais aimé que le contenu de la formation ne soit presque à 100% centrée sur des jeunes étudiants qui vont rejoindre les universités françaises. À fur et à mesure qu'on avance et le sujet revient encore, il est moins intéressant pour certains qui étudient cette belle langue avec d’autres objectifs. Néanmoins on peut comprendre que, dû à sa durée limitée, il soit nécessaire de faire des choix de contenu limités.
By Jorge E M A
•Sep 21, 2023
El material es bueno y también los profesores. Creo que hace falta más ayuda y precisión en asuntos como la pronunciación. Por otra parte, no veo mucho sentido en que tenga que calificar a mis compañeros. No tengo nivel para hacerlo y muchas veces no tengo idea de qué puntuación dar. También es absurdo que tenga que contar manualmente las palabras. Debería incorporar un contador de palabras.
By Priya S
•Nov 19, 2021
A rigorous course with a lot of useful information, especially pertaining to studying in France. I do wish there was a way to practice grammar more (e.g. downloadable worksheets or more quizzes). Sometimes a quiz covered material that was not yet taught, which seemed like a waste. The instructors were excellent - clear and thorough. Thank you!
By Eunice C
•Sep 30, 2021
This course is very good, including the useful practices for those who want to study in France. Course structure is made of different sections, including listening, grammar, pronunciation and reading. It also introduces the French culture and daily life. I learnt much about French, including the language and the life they go through.
By Úna N C
•Mar 21, 2021
I found the course quite challenging but found it rewarding when i succeeded in getting through the different stages and I could see that my level of understanding and knowledge was improving. i particularly found the grammar sessions and the pronunciation sessions very helpful and well explained. I am really pleased with my achievement.
By Charlotte H
•Aug 28, 2020
I really liked the videos for this course and the materials. The teachers were engaging and the lessons flowed well. I do not have any interest in studying in France, so the actual subjects each week were not very interesting to me. It's a good way to practice grammar and learn some new words though.
By Dulce F
•Sep 20, 2021
Este curso me ayudó a recordar temas previamente aprendidos, el material que viene con el curso es amplio y en general muy bueno para ser online. Los temas ayudan a explorar y entender mejor la lengua y cultura francesa, los temas que trata son de la vida cotidiana estudiantil.
Si lo recomiendo.
By Margarita R P
•Nov 6, 2022
Me encantó el curso! al comienzo, fué algo difícil para mí, pero los ejercicios sobre cada aspecto del aprendizaje del idioma francés, fueron didácticamente muy bien abordados para lograr no sólo una mayor comprensión por parte del alumno sino una motivación extra para continuar estudiándolo.
By Fardad S
•Oct 18, 2020
Useful course. Geared more towards young students who want to go to France to continue their education. The format is good. The instructors are very professional. If all exercises are done properly a lot can be learned. Hopefully a C1-C2 version will be arranged later. Thanks and good luck.
By Vasiliy P
•Aug 2, 2020
It is a little too long, but otherwise, this course is really good! Instructors well prepared and the course was very clearly planned out and delivered to in a orderly manner. The teaching to exam ratio is perfect and it really helps recap what you learned. A very well structured 6 weeks!
By Mario P
•Mar 17, 2021
the course was quite intensive with so many work to execute,
it is a real rehearsall of knowledge.
I would reccomend it to persons with already well established knowledge of france
Very much commitment is needed and very precise and focused work especcially for grammar
By Valentina B
•Jun 20, 2019
There should be buttons with the french accents. When writing an assignment, it is difficult and rather tiring to stay copying from Word every vocal with accents (ex. é , ù , à ) because these are not present on the keyboard.
Overall the course is excellent!