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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Supply Chain Principles by Georgia Institute of Technology

2,136 ratings

About the Course

This course will provide a solid understanding of what a supply chain is all about. The course: - Provides an introduction to Supply Chain - Leverages graphics to promote the Integrated Supply Chain model - Emphasizes understanding the Extended Supply Chain - Presents a holistic approach – Incorporating People, Process, and Technology - Calls-out industry-specific supply chain - Leverages discussions, videos, quizzes, and questions for consideration - Provides awareness of career path opportunities - Presents emerging and futuristic trends in supply chain and given that at GT we are focused on developing what’s next in the world, we include Discussion of emerging and futuristic trends in supply chain. There is very little math involved in this course – so don’t worry at all about your math skills. The course incorporates reading materials that were developed as part of a $24.5M TAACCCT grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration to the LINCS in Supply Chain Management consortium....

Top reviews


Sep 17, 2021

T​he course materials & videos were simplified and well tuned to the need of the hour and Sir tim brown was very elborative . He was simply superb in explainling all concepts so well.


Aug 13, 2020

This course has been my start point in supply chain world. It was well wrapped and focused to address all the major components learnt a lot and might dive deeper in the world of supply chain

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426 - 450 of 598 Reviews for Supply Chain Principles

By Modad s a

May 26, 2022


By Mark S

Oct 11, 2021


By Bhavesh D

Sep 21, 2020


By Pradeep K D

Apr 13, 2020


By Andrea P

Nov 13, 2019



Mar 14, 2024


By Mesheri b w

May 19, 2022


By Mohamed A

Apr 1, 2022


By Harish b

Nov 9, 2021


By b s

Dec 1, 2020


By Prasad K

Jul 18, 2020


By Ishank K

Jul 14, 2020


By Aman Y

Jun 18, 2020


By Akshay M J

Jun 10, 2020



Jun 3, 2020


By kavuri v

Apr 20, 2020


By Shangesh S

Dec 18, 2017


By Ynah A T

Sep 12, 2021


By Hannan H

Jul 7, 2020

An overall wonderful compact introduction to supply chain and its various concepts. I feel confident to speak about these areas with supply chain professionals now and understand that much of the concepts are straightforward but knowing the language that professionals use is important.

At times the speaker makes mistakes which do become increasingly frustrating as time goes on. A simple second take would have helped to address this issue.

The final quiz - question 18 should have an answer for Ocean and Air but it is not one of the answers.

Overall recommended for the effort-reward ratio.

By Jessica E

Jan 29, 2019

The content gave a good overview of the frameworks and different components involved in supply chain. From models for understanding overall processes to exploration of different modes of transportation. Don't expect a great deal of detail, although you will be introduced to key terminology and calculations. The presenter is knowlegable, paces himself well and easy to listen. My only suggestions would be for some of the more detailed slides to stay on the screen for longer, and have the links to videos clickable within Coursera.

By Andres P

Jun 6, 2020

In general, this is a very good course as it provides a comprehensive view of supply chain principles.

Being the upper side of this course the good orderly structure used to present the concepts and the good supporting reading material, while the downsize is the poor quality of the videos, as these are too short, excessively summarising the concepts and poorly presented by Tim Brown (maybe he was in a hurry going somewhere else?), hence, preventing the learner yielding the full potential this course can offer.

By Richard D

Oct 28, 2020

This was the first time taking a course with Coursera. I gained the most insight from the reading assignments in combination with the quizzes which highlighted the important aspects of each lesson. I appreciated the video learning aspects of the lessons. Mr. Brown is knowledgeable though his presentation style was very dry and he had a few too many gaffes. I'd recommend this course to others in my field. Finally thanks for the way the course is set up which enables everyone to be successful.

By Diana B

Jan 14, 2018

As a practitioner in Supply Chain I found this course very helpful for anyone involved in logistics or supply chain to have a big picture of what Supply Chain is. For practitioners currently working in one area of the supply chain is difficult to know what they other areas do and how they impact the entire supply chain. This course clarifies the different areas and how you can work and make an impact in each one of the areas.

By Monique R

Mar 3, 2022

This was a great course. I didn't realize how much I didn't know about Supply Chain Management. I did have some experience but after taking this course I found out just how superficial it was. There are a lot of details that I think can be flushed out a little more but the narator clearly has plenty of experience is this field. Thank you for sharing with me some of the things you know.

By Padmanabhan S

May 3, 2020

The course contents were organized in a well structured manner covering over 5 weeks.The content delivery by the faculty and the standard of quiz were excellent. Improvement can be done to make the course more interactive like live chats etc .

Gained many value additions on personal as well as professional front from this course

Thank you Tim and the whole team