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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content by University of Pennsylvania

5,239 ratings

About the Course

Ever wondered why some things become popular, and other don't? Why some products become hits while others flop? Why some ideas take off while others languish? What are the key ideas behind viral marketing? This course explains how things catch on and helps you apply these ideas to be more effective at marketing your ideas, brands, or products. You'll learn how to make ideas stick, how to increase your influence, how to generate more word of mouth, and how to use the power of social networks to spread information and influence. Drawing on principles from his best-selling book, "Contagious: Why Things Catch On," Professor Jonah Berger illustrates successful strategies for you to use buzz to create virality so that your campaigns become more shareable on social media and elsewhere. By the end of this course, you'll have a better understanding of how to craft contagious content, build stickier messages, and get any product, idea, or behavior to catch on....

Top reviews


Dec 20, 2018

Pleasant tone, many tangible illustrations that bring the theory to life. Well-balanced pace. Could be complemented by a practical exercise - but perfect for working professionals who have less time.


Apr 4, 2020

The course is very helpful and informative. I enjoy all the examples and materials of it. Totally recommend this course to people who want to further improve their influence as an effective marketer!

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1601 - 1625 of 1,674 Reviews for Viral Marketing and How to Craft Contagious Content

By David G M

Feb 28, 2018

Great course concise and sharp

By Jaya L K

Mar 4, 2022

Good, crisp and useful course

By Saúl O

Sep 2, 2017

very useful and interesting

By Marlin W

Jan 1, 2017

Good course, I enjoyed it.

By taryn s

Sep 23, 2016

Interesting and engaging!

By Soni R

Jul 14, 2022

good for basic knowledge

By uchenna n

Jan 21, 2016

Beautiful and relevant!

By Deleted A

Jun 7, 2020


By Esther C

Jul 2, 2019

Super informative!

By 李晓岚

Dec 9, 2015

very good course!!

By Jose B

Dec 6, 2015

Pretty interesting

By Azhar

Aug 12, 2020

Excellent course!


Jul 10, 2020

Beginner friendly

By Max G

Jun 19, 2018

great course

By Kexin X

May 27, 2017

Nice course

By Felix F

Nov 13, 2016

Muy Bueno!


Oct 18, 2021

Muy bueno

By Ekta A L

Aug 7, 2016


By gautham r

Jul 1, 2019


By Srishti M

Jul 7, 2017


By Anupama S

Jul 6, 2017


By Natalia T

Oct 26, 2017

Hi! I am very disappointed that there is no possibilities to download the slides that are presented during videos. Why so, if I paid for the Course? Really, there is nothing difficult to pause a video and make a screenshot of a slide or cut it and insert into Word but why make it so difficult? I always keep slides from other Courses in order to refresh the materials later. And I believe that this possibility can also make the Course of Mr. Berger viral . If I can share his slides with my colleagues and refer to his Course, it can bring more students to him. Do I want now to share about this Course with anyone? Most likely not. If I would know about such inconvinience (no slides available for downloading) beforehand I would not go to the Course at all. It gives very negative feeling both on the Professor's Attitude towards students and also on Coursera team towards its clients. Learning is a possibility to come back to notes of a Course later, refresh it in memory and use it in everyday life or at work. I would appreciate if the team of Coursera will consider this and provide with slides' download possibility in every Course or Inform after the titles of the Courses that the slides are not available for download. We will see then how many people would like to join such courses.

Best regards, Natalia Turkulainen

By Kaela W

Dec 3, 2015

Pretty basic info, and I breezed through the entire course in one evening. It was a great review and way to connect ideas and I enjoyed it, but there wasn't anything exceptionally profound or concrete that I learned from it. The quiz questions and answers could use an editor. They were practically unintelligible at times, with lots of typos, grammatical errors, missing words, and more. Definitely wouldn't be worth $95, but great and enjoyable as something that you just listen to for an evening.

By María S

Jan 3, 2020

This course would be of great support for an undergrad student looking into other areas of marketing and research. The content is not new, actually feels a bit date given the examples used. I did enjoy the course because I like to learn and test my learning, BUT it lacks depth. There is no reading material which would have helped with the lack of depth.

Bottom line for me is, I get a certificate in LinkedIn from Wharton, but truth be told anyone can audit this.