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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Giving Helpful Feedback by University of Colorado Boulder

1,925 ratings

About the Course

This course teaches you the simple principles expert managers use to improve and motivate employee performance. You’ll never have to avoid telling an employee “the truth” again, because the seven techniques we teach will not make employees defensive or afraid. As a manager, or someone who would like to be a manager, you’ll also learn specifically what feedback is, how negative feedback is weighed more heavily than positive, and how positive feedback can super-charge behaviors such as creativity and teamwork. Giving feedback is a skill which develops over time. We give you a process you can use to improve your feedback skills and deliver it with confidence. You will find that there is a scientific basis for many of your observations and intuitions about feedback—such as, it is hard to give correctly, people don’t like it, and more. This will be reassuring as you learn how to overcome these difficulties. We hope you have a fantastic time becoming a better manager!...

Top reviews


Apr 30, 2021

This course was short but very informative and very helpful for an aspiring leader like myself. It also helped me understand how to view or understand when I receive feedback. I highly recommend it!!


Apr 18, 2021

I enjoyed the course and learned a lot from it. The content is well organised and focused on practical situations. I particularly enjoyed the bits of psychological research shared in the content.

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26 - 50 of 595 Reviews for Giving Helpful Feedback

By Tchela P C D S

May 3, 2016

É um curso rápido e achei muito benéfico para quem quer algumas dicas de como ser mais eficiente no acto de dar feedback. Faz-nos reavaliar a nossa capacidade de dar feedback e também pensar no poder que as palavras têm na pessoa que vai receber o feedback.

O curso lista 7 pontos que devemos ter em mente para tornar o processo de dar feedback mais profissional e eficiente, e aumentar as chances do feedback ser bem recebido e motivar a pessoa que recebe a melhorar o seu comportamento/performance.

By Kateryna K

Mar 27, 2023

Thank you to Tracy Jennings & Coursera for the course 🧶Giving Helpful Feedback by the University of Colorado Boulder. This course teaches you the simple principles expert managers use to improve and motivate employee performance. You will also learn specifically what feedback is, how negative feedback is weighed more heavily than positive, and how positive feedback can super-charge behaviors such as creativity and teamwork.

By Seyi A

May 12, 2021

This course is highly helpful to me as a supervisor who gives and receives feedback on a daily basis. It makes me understand how human nature is to receiving feedback, be it positive or negative.

It taught me how to handle defensive receivers as well.

I now understand that giving personal feedback is not just bad but also not professional.

Awesome job, my facilitator. I can't wait to take another course under you, soonest.

By Jaya V

Jun 29, 2020

first of all, I thank the trainer for being very clear and simple on this complicated topic. I really got benefitted with this course. i am a teacher and I come acorss several occasions when i am bound to give feedback. In some cases I was really disingenuous. i have understood psychological reasons for both postitive nad negative feedback, where and how to use them. thank you courera team for arranging wonderful courses.

By Susan O

May 5, 2021

Tracy was an amazing instructor. I like her teaching style. I learned some new skills to apply when giving feedback at work, with friends and family. I especially liked the approach for when the other person might not agree with you, and what is controllable and what isn't. Thank you to Tracy for a very insightful and interesting course. She certainly held my interest with the various ways she presented the material.

By Mia S

Jun 12, 2018

What I liked most about the course is that there was a mixture of business and cognitive psychology. Due to this, I was able to understand better not just how to provide good feedback, but also to understand why people respond to feedback the way they do. I believe this is one of the most important things - to know how the person on the receiving end of the feedback perceives us.

By Vinyas N S

Jun 9, 2021

I loved the course very much. Actually, I enjoyed the course very well and it is great that it was a free full course when Coursera turned 9 years. I congratulate Coursera on the successful nine years. The explanation was really great by our teacher Tracy Jennings. I learnt a lot from this course and I hope it will help me shortly.

Thank you once again for this beautiful course!

By Saurabh M

Jul 15, 2020

A well structured course, and if I may add, should be made mandatory for all the people managers. If employees are expected to deliver work which meets a certain standard then employee-managers should also be expected to be qualified enough to evaluate the employee and help nurture their career. Thank you Ms. Tracy Jennings and Coursera Team for putting this course together.

By Velda M

May 20, 2021

A major aspect of my job is giving feedback. This course gave me clear direction on giving meaningful feedback which I know will return in positive results. It was well worth the time and effort. I only wish that there was feedback to the correct answers on the few questions I missed on the quizzes, This class is well worth the time and effort.

By Venus Y

May 10, 2018

Very helpful and specific knowledge for feedback. I realize how important the feedback is, and why and how I can giving feedback in a professional way. Many useful skills and tools learned, many good resource sharing. Good design with the class structure, all the videos and articles are simple to understand and self-learning. Super good course!

By Janice U

May 21, 2021

If you are looking for a course that will really challenge you on your management style, this is it. The instructor does a fantastic job of explaining how to give feedback so that you can maintain the dignity of the employee and have positive outcomes. I really enjoyed this class, and it's made me more motivated to improve my feedback skills.

By Yemisi O

May 23, 2021

It was worth the time and effort I put into learning the skills and I am so grateful to Tracy Jennings, University of Colorado Boulder, and Coursera for making this course available to me and other learners. I feel better equipped to give feedback to foster a good and productive relationship with my teammates and the people that I mentor.

By Dennis M

Apr 23, 2021

Outstanding course with materials and information which can be applied in may facets of everyday life. Thank you Coursera, Tracy Jennings, and The University of Colorado-Boulder for providing the means to better the human condition. It truly is a public service, and I thank you for the opportunity to learning something new.

By Weina X

Apr 29, 2021

By learning this course, I learned how to give feedback while I am a leader. I also learned the knowledge of positive feedback and negative feedback. Most importantly, I mastered how to give effective feedback and the skills make a lot of sense for me. Thank you. By the way, the professor's ppt is really clear and concise.

By Temesgen T

Apr 22, 2021

I am really excited with the course. I have added a very useful managerial skill. Performance evaluation was one of the difficult areas in my work. It was a necessary evil. Now I will do it with confidence and with a positive outlook. I thank you very much for offering me such a high standard training.

Sincerely Yours,


Aug 13, 2020

The course was indeed helpful and informative in learning a helpful feedback. A lot of key words that i learn so much from this course such as actor bias trait, Pareto effect and introduction seven feedback skills are useful in developing my personal development. Thank you Tracy Jenning for conducting this course.

By Alina M

Jul 6, 2020

I have truly enjoyed the course, the way it has been delivered and divided into categories. I found the evaluation method of the NOT questions quite misleading and unnecessary. I am confident that with practice my skills of giving feedback will improve now that I have the tools and knowledge to do so. Thank you


Sep 18, 2023

دورة ممتاز جداً وذات منهج واضح ، تمنح الثقة في تقديم الملاحظات والتعليقات، وتعزز إبداع الموظفين ومهارات العمل الجماعي. وأسهمت بشكل كبير في الوعي بقوت التعليقات وتحديد ما ينبغي استخدامه من ردود الفعل الإيجابية منها والسلبية، ومعرفة مهارات التغذية السبع وكيفية استخدامها.

شكراً ل كورسيرا ,, شكراً الدكتورة/تريسي.


Apr 29, 2021

Este curso es una joya, me extraña que no sea popular, se tiene la oportunidad de mejorar las habilidades de retroalimentación tanto en lo profesional como en la vida familiar, está llena de ejemplos, a un ritmo interesante, muy bien diseñado el curso... una prueba final excelente... Gracias

By Lara I C

May 11, 2021

It helped me understand so much about giving feedback but aside speaking my mind out loud. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in leaning the key elements and good ways of getting you point across, highlighting the aspects of helpful and well thought feedback.

By Binod S

Sep 3, 2018

I wished I could have completed this course before a feedback session with our team member, but anyway I have learned an important aspect of giving Feedback and the importance of feedback, whether it is positive and negative to each individual and at the right time.


Apr 20, 2020

An insightful course which is going to highly useful in several places and also helps in one's self development. The Instructor Tracy Jennings have presented multiple examples which will help in the practical application of what is learnt throughout this course.

By Stephane B

Feb 26, 2016

Everyone, I mean everyone, should take this course. It is easy to follow while full of tools and understanding. It brings not only the recipes but also the background behind helpful feedback. It changes relationships altogether and for the better.

By Jael T

Jun 30, 2017

Great weekend course. I watched all the videos and did all the quizzes in two days. Lots of great material to chew on, and the course was very well laid out and visually interesting. Lots of examples and "stories" to help explain the concepts.

By Rodney O R

May 16, 2021

Thank you very much, I really have learned a lot from this course particularly how to give feedbacks appropriately by using the 7 skills in giving feedback. I will apply the things I have learned here to both my professional and personal life.