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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Child Nutrition and Cooking by Stanford University

10,277 ratings

About the Course

Eating patterns that begin in childhood affect health and well-being across the lifespan. The culture of eating has changed significantly in recent decades, especially in parts of the world where processed foods dominate our dietary intake. This course examines contemporary child nutrition and the impact of the individual decisions made by each family. The health risks associated with obesity in childhood are also discussed. Participants will learn what constitutes a healthy diet for children and adults and how to prepare simple, delicious foods aimed at inspiring a lifelong celebration of easy home-cooked meals. This course will help prepare participants to be the leading health providers, teachers and parents of the present and future.The text and other material in this course may include the opinion of the specific instructor and are not statements of advice, endorsement, opinion, or information of Stanford University....

Top reviews


Sep 16, 2017

very useful and practical course.. it boosts my positive energy to cook more and more in healthy way for my baby coz much love=much healthy.. It inspired me, it's very simple , easy and very healthy..


May 25, 2023

Finished it in 3 days. I particularly enjoyed the recipes. I highly recommend this course for busy moms who still want to make the effort to prepare simple and quick home-cooked meals for their kids.

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51 - 75 of 3,035 Reviews for Child Nutrition and Cooking


May 15, 2023

Taking this course on Coursera has been an enriching experience. It provided me with valuable insights into the food we consume, the impact on our environment, and how to prepare healthier meals for my family. The course content was informative and well-structured, covering topics such as healthy eating, sustainable food practices, food processing, meal planning, and culinary techniques.

The course materials were engaging, and the instructors presented the information in a clear and understandable manner. The interactive elements, quizzes, and practical examples enhanced my learning experience. The knowledge I gained from this course has positively influenced my approach to food choices, meal planning, and sustainable practices in my daily life.

While the course was highly informative and beneficial, there were a few areas where I felt additional depth or practical application could have been included like the allergies and gardening. Nonetheless, the course overall exceeded my expectations and provided a solid foundation in understanding the relationship between food, the environment, and meal preparation.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in gaining comprehensive knowledge about food, its impact on the environment, and practical tips for preparing healthy and delicious meals.

By Saad S

Oct 24, 2023

"I recently completed the 'Child Nutrition and Cooking' course on Coursera, and I am genuinely thankful for the exceptional learning experience it provided. Coursera has proven to be an outstanding platform, connecting students like me with top-notch instructors. In particular, Maya Adam's instruction in this course was exceptional. She taught with remarkable clarity and sincerity, shedding light on children's health and the detrimental effects of processed food. Her comprehensive approach not only covered nutrition but also delved into children's psychological behaviors related to food. Her emphasis on kitchen gardening was enlightening. I'm excited to apply the knowledge I gained and look forward to further learning opportunities. Thanks to Coursera for this invaluable experience, and I can't wait to explore more courses in the future."

By Miriam

Aug 28, 2015

Excellent course. The material presented was not difficult to comprehend. I highly recommend this to parents who are in a quandry every night when the question, "what's for dinner?" presents itself. More than the content, I was most impressed by the manner in which the course was taught. Instead of a "talking head" format, the instructor used a variety of techniques to present the material, including teaching the majority of the class from her kitchen, using an interactive "blackboard" to illustrate concepts while she spoke and lots of cooking demonstrations. Kudos to Stanford for producing such high quality content. I have started a lot of Coursera courses and this is the first one that I've been able to complete because the content kept me engaged.

By Maureen G

Apr 9, 2022

I am a kindergarten tutor. I was just having a conversation last week with regards to the breakfast the school serves. I deal with the children that have learning issues. I also am in the cafeteria for breakfast. They are serving sugary cereals , and doughnuts with chocolate icing. The one student, say Michael, eats the same cereal, Lucky Charms every morning. Actually, he only eats the marshmellows. After an hour, he is crying, cannot sit still, moody, just cannot learn. The cafeteria, normally serves a healthy breakfast along side of these choices. We cannot get him to eat healthy. His family does not support us in dealing with the issue. I want to hide this cereal. This course proves our point. Thank you so very much. I have learned so much

By Mel S

Mar 31, 2016

A wonderful and life altering course, taught with families in mind! This course taught me so many wonderful concepts, opened up new ideas and helped me to understand that a rainbow of food without labels is what I should be feeding my family. I discovered a bit of the science behind food metabolism and how to make real, unprocessed food appeal to little taste buds!

Maya Adams takes you on spectacular food journey through insightful illustrations, informative lectures and cooking demonstrations. I have taken away a plethora of knowledge and the realization that if children help to prepare the foods they eat, they will be more accepting of those healthy and wholesome meals.

Thank you for this wonderfully designed course!

By Ana P L

Nov 20, 2020

Adorei o curso! Abrange a melhor forma de introduzir a alimentação de uma forma natural e fácil. Dá dicas de como trabalhar isso no dia a dia na família e com o público que você trabalha. Adorei os vídeos. Muito rico de informações! Gratidão à excelentíssima professora Maya que abordou o curso muito bem. Obrigada à Faculdade de Stanford pela oportunidade!

I loved the course! It covers the best way to introduce food in a natural and easy way. It gives you tips on how to work this on a daily basis in the family and with the public you work for. I loved the videos. Very rich of information! Gratitude to the excellent teacher Maya who approached the course very well. Thanks to Stanford College for the opportunity!

By Алексей Б

Aug 10, 2017

I wanted to know more about nutrition for help myself and people in my surroundings have a healthier diet, and I was very pleased with the information offered by the course and it's general presentation. I have gained better understanding of risks in consuming processed foods, role of fiber, safety scale of different fats, and effect of blood sugar spikes on the sensation of hunger. I was surprised that no GMO is part of the organic marketing package, since it seems that many kinds of GMO are proving to be more innocent than the media would like to portray it. Again -- really amazing course! Great thanks to Maya, course staff and Coursera guys for providing us with this great opportunity to get healthier.

By Karly R

Jun 27, 2016

I really loved this course! The instructor was very good, her lectures were informative and easy to follow with stellar graphics. Her videos were fun to watch, and her cooking lessons were very simple; she showed dishes that I would actually cook for my family! Best of all I believe she did a great job stating all the facts and encouraging people to make smart food choices without being judgmental about it, which is no easy task!

I am lucky that I am already doing a lot of the things the instructor suggests for my toddler but the best takeaway I got was to take my child to a farmers market. We went this weekend and it was so much fun! I plan to take her there as often as I can.

By Francis A

Jul 20, 2020

Ive been a chef for 7 years but never I've learned such basic knowledge that deeply impacted my approach to food and health as a whole( although I dont have job as of now because of this Pandemic) ,this opened up a lot of learning opportunities that i can Only get for free here in and Stanford University. I will forever be grateful for this well executed, super Informative and fun learning experience they provided that I will use for the rest of my life, I acknowledge the research and production behind this course and thank them for lending us their knowledge and expertise from all the lecturers and the staff and crew . DE COLORES from The Philippines

By Gabs B

Feb 2, 2016

Muy buena información, bastante claro y didactico. El material de apoyo y herramientas de apoyo como son los subtitulos en inglés y en español son bastante adecuados y estan sincronizados. El lenguaje empleado en este curso hace posible que toda la comunidad pueda tomarlo y realizar mejoras a nivel personal, familiar o apoyo para el aprendizaje, independientemente de si tienen conocimientos previos en nutricion o en alguna rama de las ciencias de la salud. Gracias por este curso y espero haya continuación del curso o cursos similares de esta universidad y seria fabuloso que siguieran siendo en colaboracion de la Dra Maya Adams

By Radu S

Sep 17, 2015

Very useful nutritional and food information structured with care, combined with common sense advice to apply in every household.

The whole package is served with delicate ambient music, practical recipes and kitchen advices, and last but not least, with love towards children and family.

One might find inside some controversial aspects as maybe too much frying, cooking in aluminium foil presumed to be bad, using sugar when cooking, but everyone is free to adapt the content to his own perceptions, fears and style. The main philosophy proposed, the moderation, is a keeper though.

I just loved taking this course

By Jessica J

Aug 12, 2016

This course was very educational. Maya was great at explaining healthy foods and ingredients that her own family uses at home. I was incorporating her suggestions while taking this course. I'm working to include less processed foods and more fresh fruits and veggies in my families diet. I even started to make fruit/veg smoothies for my 8 year old daughter instead of buying her the 100 % juice I bought in the store as a way to provide her with more vegetables in her diet as well as less processed food. Great course! I will be looking for more courses to take that include Maya and her wonderful children.

By Victoria C

Jun 15, 2023

This course was a delight! I have already recharged my eating habits with this refresher course and have begun to incorporate the nutritional knowledge and cooking ideas into daily life. The material is presented in a manner that is easily retained. It moves the information from the online classroom to the garden to the kitchen table in easy and attainable steps. Dr. Maya Adam, and Hanna as well, motivate the learner to see the bigger picture focusing on the nutrition of the child, outward to the context of family, community, and State. Dr. Maya Adam gives the learner much to ponder.

By Haydi P P L

Feb 11, 2020

Felicidades Maya, me encantó el curso. Muy claro, organizado, completo, práctico y con recetas sencillas.

Me gustó la forma simple de explicar los temas difíciles como química, biología.

No me pareció muy coherente que quitaran el almidón de la pasta y después la volvieran añadir en polvo en la receta de spaguetti.

Está focalizada para poblaciones de 1er mundo con acceso a servicios de calidad (luz, agua pura, colegios, hospitales de calidad) y productos órganicos (consomé) ... haría falta un curso climatizado para latinoamérica , de hecho es necesario, cuentan conmigo para ayudar.


Aug 6, 2020

This is a very inspirational course, where you are always looking forward to learning something new in regards to child nutrition.

Cooking demonstrations are excellent, very simple guidelines and easy to understand and try out for example i always thought preparing chicken nuggets was a nightmare....thank you so much for making it easy for one to learn and understand.

One of the other key issues learned here is involving the children in some gardening, grocery purchases, meal preparation, which infact is a way of getting their minds set to eating well and healthy.


By lavanya r

Dec 29, 2015

This is the best course I've ever did on Coursera (and the only one that I've successfully completed so far!). The instructor is very practical and to the point in her explanations. Each session was very engaging and i appreciate the time taken for her to create the live/animated graphics. This never felt like a boring regular classroom session, most of them were shot in her kitchen, which kept the learner engaged. The tips and the cooking sessions are awesome. I don't have a kid yet, but will surely come back to this course when i have one. Kudos :-)

By Roberto F

Mar 8, 2018

It was a great course! Nice setup, very detailed ad Dr. Maya is a great communicator! However the reality is that we do not need to eat and animal product, that's what the research studies are showing especially this last decade the overwhelming evidence is that animal products, added oil, sugar and salt is bed for our health!... Dr. Maya did explain that especially processed junk food is not good for us... Animal products are just not good for humans as well! Also I'm not being able to get my Certificate, the internet app doesn't work!

Thank you!

By Dida

Aug 8, 2022

Very good contents and lecturer. It motivates me prepare healthy and tasty foods for my children. My children are very picky eater and so hard to get them to eat vegetables and healthy food since small. They are big now and it's even more difficult to encourage them since they want all the tasty food only and not healthy. But, nevertheless I always remind them to take vege and fruits.

Ok that's all. Thank you.

p/s: I like the cover songs "Photograph" that you share in the email sometime ago. So touching and sweet esp from the cover singer.

By Destiny L

Mar 9, 2021

For me personally, I felt this course was a great way to reiterate what I generally already knew in terms of nutrition. It's always great to have a refresher of this stuff in general. Although I don't have children yet, I loved Maya Adam's way of simplifying ways to get children more involved and excited about meals. I have a niece and nephew that we watch for a night some weekends and it's great to have this knowledge that I can use with them. Overall, the course was fast and insightful and very easy to do. I'm glad I chose this course!

By Pei C K

Apr 25, 2020

Everyone should learn about food and nutrition, not only for the kids, but yourself. This course is good for everyone, not only parents and kids.

I wish the course would touch on how to deal with kids who already developed a picky food habit for parents to change the kid's food habit.

However, I will still highly recommend this course to all of you. It is only 5 weeks, videos are short yet very informative and knowledgeable. The most important thing is, all the nutrition tips and recipes can be easily practice and cook at home.

Thank you.

By Camila C G

Jan 12, 2018

Como nutricionista, considero que es bastante completo, no se necesitan estudios universitarios previos y es una buena forma de entender la importancia de la nutrición en niños, teniendo en consideración los aspectos biosicosociales que rodean el proceso de alimentación.

As a nutritionist, considered to be quite complete, no previous university studies are needed and it is a good way to understand the importance of nutrition in children, taking into account the biopsychosocial aspects that surround the feeding process.

By Laura I A d l P

Apr 6, 2022

Este curso esta muy bien estructurado en cuanto a la información que debemos conocer para entender como presentarles los alimentos a nuestros hijos y adicionalmente tiene recetas que podemos incluir en nuestro dia a dia y por último, comprender como llega a nosotros "la comida procesada", como debemos interpretar la información nutricional de los productos y saber tomar la mejor decisión en la alimentación de nuestra familia. Muchas gracias me encantaron los tips a la hora de sentarse con los niños a cenar juntos.☺


Sep 2, 2020

Excelebte curso, como madre me hizo reflexionar sobre tantos aspectos de nuestra vida diaria y alimentación, la selección de alimentos, nuestro impacto en el medio ambiente, bienestar y economía familiar, y otros tantos más, ahora, cuando sirvo la comida evalúo las cantidades de proteínas, verduras, cereales, procurando también consumir nuestra porción diaria de frutas, dándole color a cada plato como una obra de arte, seleccionando siempre lo más fresco y sano para mí familia, gracias por tan valiosa información!..

By Teresa M

Apr 18, 2017

Since I was a child I liked to help my mom and my grandmother to cook. They taught me to cook and I learned the traditions of the family. My two younger children were picky eaters, and at the beginning it was very tough to prepare food for them. Now we enjoy together to prepare and eat different types of food. We love our traditional food, but we are always looking for new recipes. This course teaches me how to combine different types of ingredients to bring to our table, every day, more balanced and healthy food.

By Md. T I

Dec 17, 2015

I have enrolled in many classes on coursera, but can not finished any of them. Because they all get boring at the end. Its my 1st course that I have finished. Because from first to last, this course remain interesting to me and got no chance to be bored. M. Adam is the best course instructor to me till now (I wish I could do her classes live) because she knows how to teach on MOOC. This course is no only interesting but also highy educative. This course should start give certificate of accomplishment. Thank You :)