The Age of Sustainable Development
Columbia University
Want to help build a greener and more sustainable world? Gain skills in topics ranging from environmental law and eco-friendly business development to environmental management and climate change activism. Advocating for eco-friendly practices is a great way to make an impact in your life, community, or organization.
Want to help build a greener and more sustainable world? Gain skills in topics ranging from environmental law and eco-friendly business development to environmental management and climate change activism. Advocating for eco-friendly practices is a great way to make an impact in your life, community, or organization.
This special collection was curated in collaboration with the Green Team Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Coursera. The Green Team ERG aims to improve and adapt Coursera’s internal processes to be environmentally sustainable, strives to encourage Coursera employees to adopt eco-friendly practices both at work and in their personal lives, and is committed to spreading a global message about sustainability and improving environmental well-being.
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